一身正气 两袖清风 风范永在 事业长存——纪念胡耀邦同志逝世20周年

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胡耀邦,1915年出生于湖南浏阳。1930年加入中国新民主主义青年团,1933年转为中国共产党党员。1934年参加长征。到达陕北后,任共青团中央宣传部长、组织部长。抗日战争时期,先后担任延安抗日军政大学政治部副主任、大队政委,军委总政治部组织部部长。抗日战争胜利后,历任冀察辽军区代理政治部主 Hu Yaobang was born in Liuyang, Hunan in 1915. In 1930, he joined the China New Democratic Youth League and became a member of the Chinese Communist Party in 1933. In 1934 to participate in the long march. After arriving in northern Shaanxi, he served as central propaganda minister and minister of the Communist Youth League. During the war of resistance against Japan, he successively took the posts of deputy director of the political department of Yan’an Anti-Japanese Military and Political University, political commissar of the brigade and minister of the organizational department of the General Political Department of the Central Military Commission. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, served successively as deputy political commissar of Liaodong District of Hebei Province
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