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家族性腺瘤性息肉病最早于1882年由Cripps首先描写并命名,后来的研究表明其大肠息肉具有高度恶性倾向并证明为常染色体显性遗传性疾病。Gardner和Turcot又分别发现并有大肠外甚至中枢神经系统的病变而各自命名为相应的“综合征”。尽管合并有肠外病变的患者的转归各有不同,但其遗传表现、组织病理类型及临床特征都相同。因此,从临床诊治的角度可以把这些病人归为同一类疾病。 Familial adenomatous polyposis was first described and named by Cripps in 1882. Subsequent studies showed that colorectal polyps have a high degree of malignancy and proved to be autosomal dominant genetic diseases. Gardner and Turcot discovered and had lesions outside the large intestine and even the central nervous system, and each was named the corresponding “syndrome.” Although the outcome of patients with extra-intestinal lesions varies, their genetic performance, histopathological type, and clinical characteristics are the same. Therefore, these patients can be classified as the same disease from the perspective of clinical diagnosis and treatment.
介绍了一汽长春柴油机厂产的联合收割机用6110柴油机技术性能、结构特点以及维护保养事项。 The technical performance, structural characteristics and maintenance of 6110
胃癌组织DCC基因杂合性缺失的初步研究ApreliminarystudyonthelossofheterozygosityattheDCClocusingastriccancer¥//王东旭,房殿春,罗元辉,鲁荣,刘为纹(第三军医大学西南医院消化内科... A preliminary study on the loss of heterozygosity of DCC gene in ga
病变局限于肺内的非小细胞肺癌单纯手术能治愈,转移性病变手术无好处。为了提高切除率及生存率,Memorial Sloan-Kettering癌症中心在1984年1月~1989年11月间对73例经组织学证
By comparing the two heroines Daisy Fay and Brett Ashley from The Great Gatsby and The Sun also Rises respectively,analyzing their relationship with the corresp
患者男性,55岁。于1周前,在健康体检中B超发现脾脏占位性病变,于1993年8月2日入院。 1990年因乙状结肠癌在外院行乙状结肠切除术。查体:T 36.5℃,P 80次/分,Bp 14/10 kPa,皮