
来源 :集邮博览 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cpingpeng
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邮刊多了,作者自然就多。有的作者邮识渊博,读其邮文可学到不少邮识;即便读到的是某些作者集邮生涯中的一些趣事,也可从中获益。但也有少数邮文, 明显带有“编”的成分,让读者不敢相信他所经历的事是否真的出现过。前不久,我就读了这么一篇文章,描绘的是作者自己收集纪9中面值为500元信销票的经历。现抄录其中一段供大家品味,看是不是有点违反常规。 There are many postal issues, and the author naturally has more. Some authors are knowledgeable and can read a lot of postal knowledge while reading their mail. Even if they read some of the interesting things in the author’s philatelic career, they can also benefit from it. However, there are also a few postal mails, obviously with “compilation” elements, which make readers can not believe whether the things he has experienced have actually appeared. Not long ago, I read an article that described the author’s own experience of collecting a letter of credit worth 500 yuan for the 9th. Copy one of the sections for everyone’s taste to see if it is a bit of a violation of the rules.
电力企业在销售电力产品的同时,如果能为客户提供一揽子用电的商务解决方案,电力市场的空间将比现在广阔的多 Power companies in the sales of power products at the same
表示推测的情态动词有must,can,could,may,might等。它们在表示推测的时候用来说明说话者的主观看法。 The speculative modal verbs are must, can, could, may, and might
您想让孩子的英语学习与国外同步吗?南京师范大学出版社引进了在国际上反响强烈的《杰克和吉尔的阅读系列》,希望我国的儿童能够跟上国际儿童英语学习的步伐。 Do you want
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