,Monoacylglycerol lipase inhibitors: modulators for lipid metabolism in cancer malignancy,neurologic

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Monoacylglycerol lipase (MAGL) is a serine hydrolase that plays a crucial role catalysing the hydrolysis of monoglycerides into glycerol and fatty acids.It links the endocannabinoid and eicosanoid systems together by degradation of the abundant endocannabinoid 2-arachidaoylglycerol into arachidonic acid,the precursor of prostaglandins and other inflammatory mediators.MAGL inhibitors have been considered as important agents in many therapeutic fields,including anti-nociceptive,anxiolytic,antiinflammatory,and even anti-cancer.Currently,ABX-1431,a first-in-class inhibitor of MAGL,is entering clinical phase 2 studies for neurological disorders and other diseases.This review summarizes the diverse (patho)physiological roles of MAGL and will provide an overview on the development of MAGL inhibitors.Although a large number of MAGL inhibitors have been reported,novel inhibitors are still required,particularly reversible ones.
由禾本科布氏白粉菌小麦专化型(Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici, Bgt)引起的小麦白粉病是一种严重的叶部病害。培育抗病品种较其它化学和栽培防治是一种最经济、环保而有效的方法。然而,由于小麦白粉菌生理小种多,毒性频率变异快等特点,致使大部分抗病品种在生产上大规模推广3-5年后便失去抗性。因此,发掘和鉴定新的抗白粉病基因在小麦育种道路上是一项坚持不懈的工作。从德国引进
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