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  New recruits in the U.S. military are getting slightly older with more than half of Army 1)enlistees age 20 or above compared with a few decades ago, when only a third were in the older age group, according to a 2)Rand Corporation study released Wednesday. “The trend is a 3)boon for the military because older recruits have a greater tendency to re-enlist and achieve promotions at higher rates than those who join out of high school,”the report says. Many told researchers they delayed signing up for the military in order to attend college. Some 38% said they simply wanted to take some time off after high school. About a third of older recruits said they ultimately chose the military because of a weak civilian job market. Half said the market offered nothing but dead-end jobs.

Into the sunshine,  Full of the light,  Leaping and flashing  From 1)morn till night!  Into the moonlight,  Whiter than snow,  Waving so flower-like  When the winds blow!  Into the starlight,  Rushing
说到吃,能让你眼界大开的不仅仅是藜麦,还有位于印度孟买一家现代化的高效午餐外卖店。相信每个人都曾与外卖打过交道,有人也许还曾在外卖店打过工,送过外卖,但我们要介绍的这一家,可是非一般的外卖店噢 ^-^ Host: Think about how Americans often order pizza delivery. Now, imagine you had an arrangement to
* My name is trouble, my first name’s a mess  No need to greet me, I’m here to confess  That if you let me hold you I won’t hold my breath  And if you let me love you I will love to death *  My chase
Host: Nijmegen in the Netherlands is not a big place. But it’s big enough for 50,000 Dutch people to be spending four days walking around the town and its surrounding area in the east of the country.
Far over the misty mountains cold  To 1)dungeons deep and 2)caverns old  We must away 3)ere break of day  To seek the pale enchanted gold.  The dwarves of 4)yore made mighty spells,  While hammers fel
As the school year winds down and students and staff part ways for summer, they will also be saying goodbye to a very familiar face that has been around almost five decades. Gary Brown has been teachi
Announcer: And here’s a reminder that a tough economy can change life in ways large and small. Spain has an unemployment rate of 26%. With six million people without jobs, the country’s seen a 2)spike
Bryant Gumbel: Millions of Americans own a personal computer. If you’re one of them, you can now glimpse the future with nothing more than a modem, a phone line and a few dollars a month.  布赖恩特·冈贝尔:千百
不管是小麦、大米,还是藜麦、小米;不管是自家煮,叫外卖,还是下馆子,吃饱才是硬道理。可让人人都吃饱并不容易。根据World Hunger组织的数字,在2010年,全球有九亿两千多万的人吃不饱饭,相当于世界人口的13.6%。科学家挠破头皮,想尽各种办法以解决这个问题。要相信科学哦,办法总会有的。  Over recent years, the warnings have been growing l
Mobile branches have been driving ’round in Scotland for nearly 70 years, but the latest version is helping to introduce remote communities to the age of banking on the Internet. Once a week the van p