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本文研究大鼠受~(60)coγ射线2000 rad照射后第12、24、48和72小时束状带细胞超微结构的改变。照后12小时,脂滴数量锐减,线粒体基本正常。24小时起,少数细胞线粒体发生显著改变:出现巨大及异形线粒体;界膜消失;基质内包含物增多;嵴呈平行或同心性排列。内质网重叠成同心性板层小体。48小时,少数细胞已严重退变。72小时,相当多的细胞已坏死,但大多数细胞结构基本正常或显示有功能增强的表现。显然,肾上腺束状带对辐射损伤是具有明显抵抗力的组织。本文并对脂滴、线粒体、内质网形态分布关系进行初步探讨。上述结果,对进一步探讨放射损伤中肾上腺皮质的机能意义时,提供有关形态方面的依据。 In this paper, the ultrastructural changes of fascicular cells in the twelfth, 24th, 48th and 72th hours after irradiation with ~ (60) co γ-ray in 2000 rad were studied. 12 hours after irradiation, the number of lipid droplets sharply reduced, mitochondria basically normal. From 24 hours onwards, a few cell mitochondria changed significantly: huge and irregular mitochondria appeared; the membrane disappeared; the contents of matrix were increased; and the cristae were arranged in parallel or concentric. Endoplasmic reticulum overlap into concentric lamellar bodies. 48 hours, a handful of cells have severely degenerated. 72 hours, a considerable number of cells have been necrosis, but most of the cell structure was normal or showed a functionally enhanced performance. Obviously, the adrenal fasciculus is a radiation-resistant tissue with significant resistance. In this paper, lipid droplets, mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum morphological distribution were discussed. The above results provide a basis for further studies on the functional significance of adrenal cortex during radiation injury.
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