2005年11月13日傍晚,陕西 省第七届红拳交流观摩赛在绵绵的 寒雨中落下帷幕,来自陕西各地的 73支代表队的近五百名运动员,在 兴平市体育健身中心切磋武艺,交流 友谊。经过两天的激烈角逐,骊山少 林文武学校代表队、西北武术院代表 队分获团体总分冠、亚军。 这次交流观摩赛是由陕西红拳 文化研究会主办、兴平市文化体育 局承办的。比赛的项目只是陕西的 地方拳——红拳及其器械套路,具 有浓郁的地方传统武术特色。龙腾 虎跃的赛场上,既能看到武术馆校 的少年儿童灵巧的身影,又能看到 鹤发童颜的老拳师敏捷的身姿,还 能看到中青年武术健儿刚劲勇猛的 拳脚。置身在这刀光剑影、拳脚如风 的演武场上,你能深切地感受到红 拳这一武术奇葩,在陕西有着多么 广泛的群众基础。应邀担任仲裁委 员会主任的原陕西武术队著名教练 马振邦先生激动地对记者说:“看 到有这么多人参加比赛,特别是这 么多娃娃练传统武术,我真是非常 高兴。中国武术后继有人。”
On the evening of November 13, 2005, Shaanxi Province held its seventh Red Boxing Symposium ended in a time of cold rain. Nearly 500 athletes from 73 teams from all over Shaanxi province exchanged their views on martial arts at Xingping Sports Center. Exchange friendship. After two days of fierce competition, Lishan Shaolin Wenwu school team, northwestern Wushu Academy team score was the highest score, runner-up. The exchange of observation tournament is sponsored by the Shaanxi Red Box Cultural Research Association, Xingping City Cultural and Sports Bureau contractors. Competition project is only a local boxing in Shaanxi - Red Boxing and its equipment routines, with strong local traditional martial arts features. Dragon Tiger Tigers venue, both to see the martial arts school children’s dexterous figure, but also to see the hairstyle of the old boxer clever posture, but also to see young and middle-aged martial arts athletes brave brave fist. Exposure to this swordsmanship, fist wind Yanwuchang, you can deeply feel the amazing martial arts red boxing, in Shaanxi has an extensive mass base. Mr. Ma Zhenbang, former coach of Shaanxi Wushu Team, who was invited as director of the Arbitration Commission, said excitedly: "I am really happy to see so many people participating in the competition, especially so many dolls practicing traditional martial arts.