Assessing Linear Urban Landscape from dynamic visual perception based on urban morphology

来源 :建筑学研究前沿(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hhmlyj
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As an essential part of the urban landscape,linear urban landscape(LUL)is the interaction between humans and nature,which is closely associated with daily life and brings multiple characteristics to visual perception.Current studies focus on complex models that describe visual perception using static viewpoints,but lossing the continuous and dynamic fea-tures of visual perception.This paper provides a general framework that can quantify dynamic visual perception based on urban morphology and improves accuracy in the descriptions of LUL linear spatial characteristics.Based on Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal(Hangzhou urban sec-tion),the proposed framework combines the indicators of multiple dimensions to quantify dy-namic visual perception and emphasizes the continuity of LUL.To represent the dynamic visual perception and the spatial pattern characteristics of LUL,different evaluation criteria of indi-cators are set according to landscape scales.To minimize subjectivity and uncertainty caused by subjective cognition and fulfill the landscape pattern under different urban development policies,we set up distinct scenario preference patterns.With appropriate fine-tuning of sce-nario preference patterns and setting of movement types,the proposed method can be adapt-ed to other LUL projects and aspires to provide a general methodology and scientific guidance for urban planning and landscape management.
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