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在生活中,人们经常会邀请他人去家里吃饭、一起去看电影,或去参加一个聚会等等,当然,也会经常收到这样的邀请。如何得体地发出邀请,如何客气地接受或婉拒邀请是一门艺术。这里要注意两点:一是发出邀请时不要太唐突,可以先问问对方某一天是否有安排,如果已有安排,一般就不再发出邀请了;二是拒绝邀请时可以善意地找个借口,这样就不会令对方难堪,不会伤害对方的感情了。请熟记以下几组常用句型: In life, people often invite others to go to home for dinner, go to a movie together, or attend a party, etc. Of course, they will often receive such an invitation. It is an art how to properly send invitations and how to accept or reject invitations politely. There are two things to note here: First, do not be too abrupt when sending an invitation. You can first ask if there is any arrangement for the other day. If there is an arrangement, the invitation will not be issued anymore. Second, you can kindly ask for an excuse when you decline an invitation. , This will not embarrass the other party, will not hurt the other’s feelings. Please memorize the following groups of common sentences:
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