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线性代数作为工科院校的一门工程数学的开设,应有其特殊性。首先,受课时限制及工科院校的要求,不可能也不必要象理科院校那样,自始至终贯彻逻辑论证的思维训练,而应把理解基本概念放在首位,逻辑思维训练放到第二位。其次,工科院校学员学习线性代数的目的,是为其他基础理论学科服务,以及成为将来在解决工程技术中的一个有用工具。故应附加一定数量的应用题,使其避免产生"由抽象到抽象的幻觉,为将来工作的应用作好心理准备。 The establishment of linear algebra as an engineering mathematics in engineering colleges should have its own particularities. First of all, subject to the constraints of class hours and the requirements of engineering colleges, it is impossible and unnecessary, like the science academies, to carry out the logical training of thinking from the beginning to the end. Instead, the basic concepts of understanding should be given top priority, and the logical thinking training should be placed second. Secondly, the purpose of learning linear algebra for engineering college students is to serve other basic theoretical disciplines and become a useful tool in solving engineering technology in the future. Therefore, a certain number of application questions should be attached to prevent them from creating an illusion of abstraction and abstraction, and to prepare psychologically for the application of future work.
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两岁时,她和妈妈来到北京的姨妈家玩。这天晚上,睡得正香的她被楼上的踢踏声吵醒了,于是,她顺着声音,光着脚,睡眼惺忪地爬到二楼,看着姨妈翩翩起舞,那优美的舞姿深深地把她吸引住了。虽然妈妈一再下令不能偷看姨妈练舞,免得姨妈分心。但她无视命令,每天晚上照样爬上二楼,屏气敛声地看着姨妈的舞蹈。  一个月过去了,妈妈说:“我们要回云南了,向姨妈说再见。”她号啕大哭:“我不想回去,我要跟姨妈学跳舞!”姨妈说:
本实验采用在载玻片上染色的方法,其具体作法是:把解离后漂洗好的根尖放在载玻片上,用两根解剖针将根尖生长点端拨开,滴一滴0.25%的龙胆紫,染色两分钟.然后再滴一滴 In thi