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“多情自古伤离别,更那堪冷若清秋节”。自古以来,秋天便是离别伤感的象征。树树秋声,山山寒色,声色之间,埋藏着一点悲伤,一点凄凉。与深秋大自然的萧条相比,文学期刊丝毫没有一点落潮之势,反而以丰厚的文学作品、浑厚磅礴的气势、深沉绵密的意蕴充斥北方文学期刊,见证了一代代文坛新杰不可抵挡的成长力量。综观北方文学期刊,我最大的阅读感受便是作品的现实感和时代性强,文章合为时而著,歌诗合为事而作。近几期北方期刊中作家在再现社会现实的同时, “Passionate ancient wounds leave, even more cool and clear autumn festival”. Since ancient times, autumn is a symbol of sadness. Autumn sound of trees, mountain cold, sensual, buried a little sad, a little bleak. Compared with the depression of late autumn nature, literary periodicals did not have any trend of ebb and flow, instead, they filled the Northern literary periodicals with rich literary works, magnificent momentum and profound implication, and witnessed an irresistible new generation of literary circles. Growth power. Looking at the northern literary periodicals, my greatest reading experience is the realistic feeling of the work and the strong times, the article is from time to time, song and poem fit to do things. In recent years, writers in northern periodicals have reproduced the social reality at the same time,
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有人说,没有比指出别人缺点更高兴的事。这不,就是名人奇才有时也不能免俗。  苏东坡被称为旷世奇才,学问深不可测。一天,当他看到宰相王安石写的《咏菊》诗,其中有一句:“西风昨夜过园林,吹落黄花遍地金。”他心生质疑,认为菊花耐寒抗霜,哪能一起风就被吹落一地呢?就自作主张改成:“秋花不比春花落,说与诗人仔细吟。”当时还悠然自得,直至那一回,他在某地赏菊,一阵风起,菊花便片片飘落,洋洋洒洒,遍地金黄,果然
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对普通中学端正办学方向、纠正片面追求升学率的督导评估,必须突出地抓住以下几方面内容: 1.为了保证学校全面贯彻教育方针,纠正片面追求升学率的倾向,有关的上级领导部门不
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