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为了进一步深化刑侦改革,推进全省责任区刑警中队建设,研究解决目前责任区刑警中队建设过程中出现的新情况、新问题,吉林省公安厅刑警总队于近期组织专人深入全省9个市、州、17个县(市、区)公安机关和39个责任区刑警中队,对责任区刑警中队建设情况进行了调研。基本情况目前吉林省共有刑侦民警5052名,占总警力的14.33%。其中,责任区民警2145名,占刑警总数的42.5%。吉林省共有责任区刑警中队227个,在责任区办公的131个,其中自有独立办公用房的54个,租借的77个;现有96个责任区中队未在责任区办公,其中50个是始终未沉入责任区,46个是沉入责任区后又撤回的。已配置1辆以上机动车和1部以上程控电话的169个、其余58个责任区中队均未配置工作必备的交通和通讯工具。 In order to further deepen the reform of criminal investigation, promote the construction of Interpol Squadron in the responsibility area of ​​the province, and study and solve the new situation and new problems appearing in the construction of Interpol Squadron in the current responsibility area, Interpol in Jilin Province Public Security Bureau recently organized in-depth visits to 9 cities, In 17 prefectures (cities and districts), public security organs and 39 criminal squadrons in the responsibility area were investigated and investigated on the construction of the criminal squadron in the area of ​​responsibility. Basic situation At present, there are 5052 criminal investigation police in Jilin Province, accounting for 14.33% of the total police force. Among them, 2145 police area of ​​responsibility, accounting for 42.5% of the total number of Interpol. Jilin Province has a total of 227 police squadrons in responsibility areas, 131 in office areas, of which 54 are self-owned office buildings and 77 are leased; the existing 96 squadrons in the responsibility area are not in the responsibility area, of which 50 It has never been immersed in the area of ​​responsibility, and 46 have been withdrawn after they have sunk into the area of ​​responsibility. 169 vehicles equipped with more than one motor vehicle and more than one program-controlled telephone have been deployed. The remaining 58 squadrons in the responsibility area have not been equipped with the necessary transportation and communication tools.
我院自 1 997年 2月至 1 999年 1 0月共注射碘造影剂进行 CT增强扫描检查 1 1 82人 ,其中有 1 5例病人出现不良反应。现将我们对造影剂不良反应的预防及护理体会总结如下。1
太钢4 350 m3高炉通过提升原燃料质量管理,采取高富氧率大炉腹煤气量操作下控制合理的煤气流分布、稳定燃料比和加强炉前作业等生产操作规程,使高炉利用系数逐步提高。2008-1
目的 应用碘标左旋 2 羟基 6 甲氧基 N 〔(1 乙基 2 吡咯烷 )甲基〕苯酰胺 (131I IBZM)及 4 氨基 N (1 乙基 2 甲氢吡咯基 )甲基 5 碘 2 甲氧基苯甲酰胺 (12
《起重机械监督检验规程》(以下简称《规程》)中要求:塔机安装后,在空载、无风的状态下,塔身轴心线对支承面的侧向垂直度≤4/1000。1 2种常见的测量方法简介1.1《规程》中的