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  《瓦尔登湖》是美国作家梭罗的一本著名散文集。书中细致描述了梭罗两年多来隐居瓦尔登湖畔,感知自然、重塑自我的奇异历程。“Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity!”是书中的一个名句,在多年后依然闪着哲理的灵光,启发着世界各地的读者。每个时代的人或许都如出一辙地为金钱、为名利奔波劳碌、忧心忡忡。大家长嗟短叹,困惑于人生的意义到底是什么,殊不知,在大自然中,快乐的真理随处可见。有时候,我们需要的可能仅仅是一场心灵的“朝圣”,去发现欢乐,发现美,发现一个澄明、恬美、素雅的世界。
  Six years ago I found myself in a bad place. I was trapped in a 1)grueling daily commute from our 2)smallholding in the Scottish borders to my soul-sapping office job in Edinburgh. Each day I left early in the morning while my family slept, and returned with barely enough time to say goodnight to our two little boys before putting them to bed. We loved our home but could not afford it, and so I resigned myself to the 3)half-life of the commuter. Eight hours a day were spent sitting at my desk, with three more in my car.
  I was chasing money, in hopes of buying space and time and a chance of happiness. The reality, however, was debt, mind-numbing jobs and little time to truly invest in our family and our lives. Something had to be done to shuck us out of it all, and I began to turn the hours in the car to my advantage, using the time to develop a plan of escape; to leave my job and journey into the wilderness.
  Making it happen wasn’t so easy, however, starting with telling my friends and family. Not surprisingly, their response was less than 4)enthusiastic. Some assumed that I had finally succumbed to the stress of commuting and was having some kind of mental breakdown; others were angry, thinking I was shirking my responsibility. My wife, however, understood from the start.
  Juliet also felt trapped by our situation. No amount of money was worth it, we agreed, and we made a deal: I would somehow find a way to build my cabin in the wilderness where I would live for one year alone. Taking the family wasn’t an option, as the children were too young and the dangers too many. Juliet would realise her own dream, however, and return with the boys to the Isle of Mull, where she was born.
  Over time our plan took shape, and I finally found myself in the interior of Alaska, 300 miles from the nearest road. For the first few months I lived in a canvas tent with just my dog for company and laboured ceaselessly to build my 16ft x 16ft cabin before winter set in. I finished just in time: the temperature sank to -50C and pretty soon I was struggling with 12ft of snow and half an hour’s daylight each day. Only after I had nearly starved to death did I eventually 5)get the hang of it. I lived off 6)beaver meat and travelled by dog team, finally achieving the way of life that I had dreamed of.   In the rare moments when I wasn’t engaged in the arduous business of staying alive in the wilderness, I read. Among the sacred collection of books in my cabin, I had the complete works of Shakespeare, the scripts of Woody Allen and, of course, my much-thumbed copy of Walden. It kept me going when times were tough, and I have often turned to it in the years since my return as a “spiritual 7)barometer”, to make sure I am not straying too far from my chosen path.
  Recently I had the opportunity to travel to Walden Pond, the lake that gave Thoreau’s book its title, near the small town of Concord, Massachusetts. He wrote beautifully about Walden Pond, with detailed descriptions of its oak and pine surroundings and the quality of the water itself. Clearly the place had inspired him, and his book in turn had inspired many others, including me.
  I had long felt that I’d like to make a pilgrimage to Walden Pond, as a kind of homage to the man whose ideas helped turn my life around. It was risky though, since the world has changed immeasurably since Thoreau lived there in the 1840s, and I was in danger of shattering the vision I’d long held in my mind. Nevertheless, a week ago, I arrived at Boston airport, bearing my copy of Walden.
  Quickly climbing into my rental car, I hadn’t had time to buy a map and so rather sheepishly 8)consented to use the satellite navigation system. With a sinking heart, I typed “Walden Pond” onto the screen, imagining what Thoreau would have thought of such a device.
  The weather was cold enough to justify my beaver hat, so I pulled it out and, with a sense of history, stuffed my sacred kettle into my bag, hoping to brew some tea at a suitable spot. And when I reached the lake I found it even more 9)ravishing than I had imagined. I remembered Thoreau’s metaphor of a lake as“Earth’s eye”, and its surrounding trees as the“eyelashes which fringe it”.
  I walked slowly along the path towards a small inlet which my visitor’s map marked as the location of Thoreau’s cabin. Pretty soon I reached the sacred spot, and walked very slowly up to the cabin-site, which was marked in a fittingly 10)unadorned manner.
  I heard a train hoot, and turned to see a 11)locomotive pulling a row of silvery carriages along the railway that skirted the south-west corner of the pond. Thoreau, too, had listened to the train as it passed, and I stood very still for a while, overcome by a sense of the past. Time has changed—on the surface, everything is speeding up, yet the essential slow forces are still there, like a deep, steady current beneath the surface of a choppy sea.   I wanted to see more, and made my way towards it, enjoying the sight of bone-dry oak leaves landing 12)daintily on the blue-green water. I noticed a fish jump into the air, and looked over to see rings widening across a stretch of shimmering water that began as a cloud slipped past the sun. I reached up and pulled some green needles from a pine tree and crushed them between my fingers, catching their clean scent on my skin. “Every little pine needle expanded and swelled with sympathy and befriended me,” Thoreau had written, and here I was, for all I knew beneath that very same tree. Again, I felt a sense of continuity, of lives crossing over, and I felt restored. True, the place was nothing like the personal image that I had held for so long. But the lake and the trees remain 13)unaltered, and there is still space to get a feel for what so inspired Thoreau.
  As I drove back to Boston that night I thought of what Thoreau would have made of the modern world. In these unhappy times, with the world searching its pockets for every last scrap of currency, maybe it would pay to go back to basics, to make spiritual withdrawals from nature rather than the 14)cashpoint machine. Most of us don’t have a trust fund and so will never have enough money in the bank. Yet there is such wealth outdoors and it is everywhere; from an 15)allotment to the wide, open ocean, all can 16)replenish our spiritual banks. When the cold dreary numbers start to let us down, and all the smart-arse analysts start eating their words, it pays to remember that wherever there is a natural place there is a chance to find happiness, serenity and truth.
  除了投身于累人的野外生存事务之外,在那些罕有的闲暇里,我会看书。在我的小木屋里,有一些珍藏图书,有莎士比亚全集、伍迪·艾伦的剧本,当然,还有我快翻烂了的《瓦尔登湖》。这书让我在艰难困苦时继续前行,也是我从荒野回归后这些年的一大 “心灵标杆”,我经常翻阅,以确保自己不会偏离自己所选的道路太远。   不久前,我有机会到瓦尔登湖旅行——就是梭罗的名著那点题之地,坐落在马萨诸塞州小镇康科德附近。梭罗优美地描写了瓦尔登湖,详细地描述了由橡树和松树环绕的四周以及湖水自身的静谧。很明显,这个地方启发了他,而他的书也启发了其他许多人,包括我。

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