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本文报道米蛾饲养技术的一些改进。用大盘直接饲养米蛾比先用小瓶接种再转入大盘饲养,可以增加出蛾数11—24%。每斤饲料接种2000米蛾卵比1500卵增加出蛾数31%。接种后用少量饲料复盖,比不复盖增加出蛾14.5%。在麦麸为主的饲料中加粮食细面10%或粮食细面和大豆粉各5%,饲养米蛾效果良好。出蛾率为56—62%,雌蛾率为54—60%,每雌产卵126-141粒,每斤饲料出蛾846-940头,得卵65000—74000粒,繁殖倍数可达43-49倍。高梁、白薯、王米、小麦的细面,大豆、花生、菜籽和芝麻的油饼,研细过筛,均可加在麦麸中以提高饲料的营养价值。用半量麦麸,半量谷糠、米糠或草木樨粉的饲料饲养米蛾,出蛾量和产卵量均显著降低。饲料的质量可以影响米蛾的出蛾数、性比、产卵数和生长发育速度。虽然从出蛾数可以大体上看出处理间的差别,但每斤饲料养出的成虫所产的卵量是更精确的衡量标准。饲养试验显示,每饲养出一头米蛾成虫,约消耗饲料0.3克。一斤饲料如出蛾800-900头,消耗饲料在50%左右。 This article reports some improvements in the feeding technology of rice moths. Direct use of the market to feed moth moth than the first vial inoculation into the broader market feeding, you can increase the number of moth 11-24%. 2000 m moths per kilogram of inoculated feed increased the number of moths by 31% over 1500 eggs. After inoculation with a small amount of feed to cover, than not to increase the moth 14.5%. In the wheat bran-based feed plus fine flour 10% or grain flour and soy flour of 5%, feeding moth good effect. Moth rate of 56-62%, female moth rate of 54-60%, 126-141 eggs per female, moth feed per catty 846-940, have eggs 65000-74000, breeding multiples of up to 43- 49 times. Sorghum, sweet potato, Wang Mi, wheat flour, soybeans, peanuts, rapeseed and sesame oil cake, fine screening, can be added to the wheat bran in order to improve the nutritional value of feed. With half the amount of wheat bran, half the amount of bran, rice bran or grass mullet feed moth feeding, the amount of moths and fecundity were significantly reduced. Feed quality can affect moth moth number, sex ratio, number of eggs and growth rate of growth. Although the difference between the treatments can generally be seen from the number of moths, the number of eggs laid by adult eggs per pound of feed is a more accurate measure. Feeding experiments showed that for each moth adult, about 0.3 g of feed was consumed. A pound of feed such as moth 800-900 head, consumption of feed at about 50%.
二、学法守法、摆正关系、加强自律是当前防范医疗纠纷的重要措施 1、学习宣传贯彻《执业医师法》等医事法律法规及相关的法律法规《中华人民共和国执业医师法》(以下简称《
一个农民自愿参加,个人、集体和政府多方筹资,以大病统筹为主的农民医疗互助共济制度——新型农村合作医疗制度将在我国建立。 A peasant voluntarily participates, and i