
来源 :法制博览 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:danble
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实现管理型政府向服务型政府的转变,最终构建起能充分保障人民民主利益的服务型政府是我国行政改革的必然趋势。伴随着社会体制的转变以及人民参与政治生活的意愿更加明显,建立起一个高效、便民以及惠民的服务型政府成为了现如今我国构建社会主义和谐社会的基本诉求,也是我国政府一个长期的战略目标。而宪政的产生作为一个时代的闪光点,充分体现出以法治为基础,以人民民主为内容的法律体系。深入了解宪政的内涵,在宪政的视野下构建出一个服务型政府,愈发体现出其深刻的作用与必要性。基于此,本文将以宪政与服务型政府为出发点,深入分析宪政理论和服务型政府的联系,并总结出在宪政的体制下建设服务型政府的必要性和作用,最后将针对我国的实际国情,为如何在宪政体制下建设服务型政府提出自己的观点。 To realize the transformation from a management-oriented government to a service-oriented government and finally to establish a service-oriented government that can fully guarantee the democratic interests of the people is the inevitable trend of China’s administrative reform. With the change of the social system and the willingness of the people to participate in the political life, the establishment of a service-oriented government that is efficient, convenient and beneficial to the people becomes the basic demand of building a harmonious society in our country today. It is also a long-term strategy of our government aims. The emergence of constitutional government, as a flash point of the times, fully reflects the legal system based on the rule of law and people’s democracy. Having a deep understanding of the connotation of constitutional government and building a service-oriented government from the perspective of constitutional government, it shows its profound role and necessity more and more. Based on this, this article will take the constitutional government and service-oriented government as the starting point, in-depth analysis of the relationship between constitutionalism theory and service-oriented government, and summed up the necessity and role of building a service-oriented government under the constitutional system. Finally, in light of China’s actual national conditions , Put forward their own views on how to build a service-oriented government under the constitutional system.
发展学生智力,培养学生的创新精神和创造能力,是对小学生全面发展的需要,也是小学数学教学的目的和任务之一。而在小学阶段给学生打好数学初步基础,培养学生学习数学的能力,激发他们学习数学的兴趣,对于全面推进素质教育,贯彻教育方针,提高全民素质具有十分重要的意义。现结合苏教版四年级教材和自己的教学实践.谈谈如何在小学数学教学中培养学生的创新意识和学习积极性。    一、创设情境,唤起学生的创新意识    
法律诊所(Legal Clinic)起源于美国,自1893年,宾夕法尼亚大学法学院的学生成立了1“法律诊疗室”之后,丹佛大学、西北大学、哈佛大学的法学院都组织了类似的诊所。现如今,诊