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教学参考书的正规名称是教师教学用书,它与教科书统称基本教材;课外习题集顾名思义,是供学有余力的学生课外练习用的,它属于辅助教材。 一、教学参考书的地位作用 我们从以下系列可以看出教学参考书的地位,中共中央、国务院文件→国家制定的教育法规和国家教委文件→国家教委颁发的教学计划→国家教委颁发的教学大纲→国家教委中小学教材办公室授权编写的教学指导书→各科课本(即教科书)→各科教学参考书→各科辅助教材(课外习题集、学习卡片、教学挂图、课外读物等)→各科学具(实验、学习器材,如数学中的电子计算器、三角尺、圆规、绘图板、量角器等)。教学参考书的直接依据是教学计划、教学大纲和课本。教学参考书和课本周属一套系列教材,它是与课本配套编写出来的,因此不同的课本就有不同的教学参考书。 The official name of the teaching reference book is the teacher’s teaching book, and it is collectively referred to as the basic textbook; the extracurricular problem set is as the name suggests, and is intended for extracurricular students to practice after class. It belongs to auxiliary teaching materials. First, the status of the role of reference books for teaching We can see the status of teaching reference books from the following series, the documents of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council → the education regulations formulated by the state and the documents of the State Education Commission → the teaching plans issued by the State Education Commission → the syllabuses issued by the State Education Commission → Instructional books authorised by the National Education Committee’s Office of Teaching Materials for Primary and Secondary Schools → Textbooks for each subject (ie textbooks) → Reference books for each subject → Supplementary materials for each subject (Extracurricular problem sets, learning cards, teaching wall charts, extracurricular reading materials, etc.) → Each science With (experimental, learning equipment, such as mathematics in the electronic calculator, triangle ruler, compass, drawing board, protractor, etc.). The direct basis of the teaching reference book is the teaching plan, syllabus and textbooks. Teaching reference books and textbooks are a series of textbooks. It is written with the textbooks. Therefore, different textbooks have different teaching reference books.
<正> 中国经济在进入新的千年之后,融入国际经济社会的速度不断加快——中国与欧盟就中国加入WTO达成协议;美国众议院通过议案,与中国建立永久性正常贸易关系(PNTR)……,种种
<正> 这个问题曾作为天津市1978年的数学竞赛复赛试题。《国内外中学数学》(杭州大学数学系编)1984年第4期“关于四面体表画面积的一个不等式”一文对上面的问题作出了如下推
本文介绍运用判别式求解几何中的不等式、极值等问题的一些方法与技巧。 This article introduces some methods and techniques for solving inequalities and extremes in
<正> 1994年,美国著名质量管理专家朱兰在美国质量管理大会上提出,20世纪是生产力的世纪,21世纪则是质量的世纪,质量问题将成为关系一个国家和企业生存与发展的重大战略问题
<正> 由安徽省《中学数学教学》杂志编辑部组织该省七个地区(市)和省教育学院数学系的部分教师编写、并由安徽教育出版社出版的《高(初)中数学教与学评测试题集》出版了。这
我们来研究这样一个有趣问题(用幻灯投影在黑板上方); 从火车上下来两旅客,他们沿同一路线走向同一地点。旅客甲一半时间行走的速度是a,另一半时间行走的速度是b(a≠b)。而旅