Succession CS3000电信级长途分组话音解决方案综述

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以软交换为核心的NGN架构借鉴了先进的网络设计思想和网络建设的成熟经验,它的主要特征就是通过提供一个分层的、开放的、可靠的、扩展性良好的网络结构,使得业务的提供能真正地独立于网络的运营,从而可以灵活、快速地提供各种新业务。在实施下一代网络的建设中,不需要对原来的网络结构进行破坏性改造,网络的演进可以量力而行,由点及面,平滑过渡。软交换系统与传统的交换系统最本质的区别是将媒体接入、呼叫控制与应用业务相分离,融合传统的语音网络和新型的分组数据网络,以及开放的业务开发环境,这些特点也就决定了软交换对现有网络进行改造和演进的方式。本文介绍的北电网络的Succession CS3000电信级长途分组话音解决方案很有参考价值。 The NGN architecture with softswitch as the core draws on advanced network design concepts and mature experiences in network construction. Its main feature is that by providing a layered, open, reliable and scalable network structure, the business Delivering truly network-independent operations, delivering a variety of new businesses with flexibility and speed. In the construction of next-generation networks, there is no need to make destructive changes to the original network structure. The evolution of the network can be done in a smooth manner, with smooth transition from point to area. Softswitch system and the traditional exchange system is the most essential difference between the media access, call control and application of business phase separation, integration of traditional voice networks and new packet data networks, as well as open business development environment, these characteristics also determine Softswitch to the existing network transformation and evolution of the way. This article describes the Nortel Networks Succession CS3000 carrier-class long-distance packet voice solution is of great reference value.
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