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青海省地处青藏高原,高寒缺氧,地广人稀,总人口584万人,截至2015年底,青海省老龄人口超过67万人,占全省总人口的11.51%,社会养老压力骤然增大。需要日常生活照料的老年人比例持续上升,助餐、助浴、助洁、助急、助医等居家养老服务需求激增。全省老龄人口约56.5%集中在农村,农村的老龄化问题非常突出。因此,必须加快转变政府基本养老公共服务供给方式,迫切需要引导、培育和扶持社会力量参与养老服务,加快完善政府主导、社会主体、各方面积极参与的养老服务业发展新机制。 Qinghai Province is located in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, alpine hypoxia, sparsely populated, the total population of 5840000 people, as of the end of 2015, Qinghai Province, more than 670000 elderly population, accounting for 11.51% of the province’s total population, the pressure of social pension suddenly increased . The proportion of elderly people who need day-to-day care continues to rise. The demand for home-based elderly services such as meals, bathing assistance, help-cleaning, emergency assistance and medical assistance is on the rise. About 56.5% of the province’s aging population is concentrated in rural areas, and the problem of aging in rural areas is very prominent. Therefore, we must expedite the transformation of the government’s basic services for the provision of public services, urgently need to guide, nurture and support social forces to participate in pension services, accelerate the improvement of government-led, social subjects, all sectors involved in the development of pension service new mechanism.
20 0 2 .8 .2 3~ 8.2 7,第十三届全国机构学学术研讨会在景色秀美的杭州胜利召开。本届会议是新世纪首次年会 ,由中国机械工程学会机械传动分会机构学专业委员会主办 ,浙江工
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