
来源 :河北自学考试 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:taixiangle
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毛泽乐同志读《伦理学原理》这本书时,在书的眉头用工整小楷写的批语、提纲就有一万二千多字,并在书中用朱墨两色画满直线、圈点、三角等各种标记。这种读书时的“熟读精思的功夫”,真值得自学考生学习。 自学考试,是具有一定难度的国家学历考试。每个自学考生,想要顺利通过一门门课程的“自考”,在进行应考准备时,则须付出毛泽东同志这种“热读精思的功夫”,以便将书本知识“烂熟手心”“融会贯通”“运用自如”,把握获胜的主动权。大凡自考成功的考生,莫不如是。 自考生梁献春,原本是个民办教师,从打投入自考的行列,始终坚持利用工作之余,与世隔绝似的“啃书本”,每次考试回来,仿佛病了一场,可说吃尽了苦头,但也尝到了甜头。历经五个春秋囊战,他不仅获得了自学考试大专毕业证书,而且被招收为“公办教师”。他并未就此止步,“又开始了摘取本科皇冠上的明珠”。(详见1992.5《河北自学考试》)。他的事迹,再一次证明,付出毛泽东同志读书时的“熟读耦思的功夫”,对于搞好自考是至关重要的。 然而有些自学考生,则正好缺乏这种“熟读精思的功夫”。他们虽说有时也在看书,但是“心不在焉”,“拿着书本想其他”,不是“熟读精思”“深钻苦研”,而是胡乱翻翻就算完事。结果,“万紫千红飞过眼,只留茫茫一大 When Comrade Mao Tse-tung read the book Principles of Ethics, there were more than 12,000 words in the outline of the book, which were written in neat and small letters. In the book, they painted lines, circles, triangles, etc. Various tags. When reading this book, “Kung Fu proficient in reading,” really worth learning candidates to learn. Self-study exam, is a national degree with a certain degree of difficulty examination. Each self-study candidate who wants to successfully pass the self-test of a course should pay Mao Zedong’s “Kung Fu for Reading Hot Things” in order to get the book knowledge of “over-handedness” into harmony “Use freely,” to seize the initiative to win. All self-test successful candidates, so much. Since the examinee Liang Xianchun, was originally a private teacher, from playing into the ranks of self-taught, and always adhere to the use of spare time, and isolation of the “eating books”, each exam back, as if sick, can be said to have suffered , But also tasted the sweetness. After five Spring and Autumn battle, he not only won the self-study examination college diploma, and was recruited as “public teacher.” He did not stop there, “again began to pick undergraduate crown jewel.” (See 1992.5 “Hebei self-study exam”). His deeds once again prove that it is of crucial importance to do a good job of self-examination when paying Comrade Mao Tse-tung’s “time-honored skill”. However, some self-study candidates, it is precisely the lack of such “skillful reading”. Although they are sometimes reading books, they are “absent-minded”, “holding books and thinking about other things”, not “familiarizing with fine ideas” and “studying hard and making deep studies”, but turning a blind eye on everything. The result, "all-powerful flight over the eye, leaving only a vast one
本刊选择登载部分国外零散技术信息,旨在让国内同行透过这些技术信息的只言片语,了解到国外同行在想些什么、做些什么。这些信息均取自96年以来的欧美建筑技术杂志。 The maga
①目的 了解白细胞介素-6(IL-6)在急性心肌梗死(AMI)溶栓与非溶栓时的浓度变化,探讨其在AMI发病过程中的作用。②方法 选择30 例发病12h 内入院的AMI病人,其中13 例于发病后12h 溶栓成功,8 例溶栓未通,9 例未予
有一棵美丽的大树,绿荫郁郁,而所有的书,就像红樱桃、黄桔子和褐色的栗子一样,是长在树枝上的,有大有小,有粗糙的,有光滑的,只要一伸手就可以摘下来…… There is a beautif
自学考生是社会主义建设专门人才的预备队,每个自学者都要努力学习,立志成才。成才离不开自学。 社会主义人才要对社会主义祖国和人民作出贡献,就不仅要有一定的专门知识和