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1 The need to extend and expand the maternal,neonatal and child health (MNCH) continuum to include preconception health The provision of care along the MNCH continuum is currently the core strategy for reducing maternal,neonatal and infant mortality [1-5]. Yet,gaps in the MNCH continuum persist. Reductions in maternal mortality have stagnated in many parts of the world. With the lowering of infant and child mortality,approximately 40% of infant deaths now occur in the neonatal period [6]. Strong scientific evidence indicates that improving women’s health before pregnancy would result in better maternal and neonatal health outcomes-specifically,fewer pregnancy complications and a reduction in rates of birth defects,fetal loss,low birth weight and preterm delivery [7]. The WHO estimates that 19% of all maternal deaths are due indirectly to preexisting medical conditions [8]. Furthermore,early prenatal care is too late to prevent many adverse birth outcomes,as organogenesis is completed during the critical first weeks of pregnancy,often before a woman knows that she is pregnant [9]. There is a clear need to strengthen preconception health services. 1 The need to extend and expand the maternal, neonatal and child health (MNCH) continuum to include preconception health health The provision of care along the MNCH continuum is currently the core strategy for reducing maternal, neonatal and infant mortality [1-5]. Yet , gaps in the MNCH continuum persist. Reductions in maternal mortality have stagnated in many parts of the world. With the lowering of infant and child mortality, approximately 40% of infant deaths occur occur in the neonatal period [6]. that improving women’s health before pregnancy would result in better maternal and neonatal health outcomes-specifically, fewer pregnancy complications and a reduction in rates of birth defects, fetal loss, low birth weight and preterm delivery [7]. The WHO estimates that 19% of all maternal deaths are due indirectly to preexisting medical conditions [8]. Furthermore, early prenatal care is too late to prevent many adverse birth outcomes, as organogenesis is comple ted during the critical first weeks of pregnancy, often before a woman knows that she is pregnant [9]. There is a clear need to strengthen preconception health services.
“奇葩系列”之后,马东老师又做了一档不上不下的节目。  为什么这么说?因为仔细观察会发现,和当初的《中国有嘻哈》相比,《乐队的夏天》确实没能取得流量上的成功;但这档节目又确实具备了一定的影响力,引起了不小的讨论,甚至推高了音乐节的票价。  甚至可以说经由《乐队的夏天》,摇滚乐开始出圈了。而这背后其实是《乐队的夏天》完全复制了“奇葩系列”模糊主题、玩人设的套路。沿着这个思路去解构《乐队的夏天》会发现
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《哪吒之魔童降世》票房超过45亿,位列中国影史第三位。不少人将哪吒和传说中被哪吒打死抽筋的敖丙组合在一起,“藕饼CP”冲上了热搜榜。  CP现象存在已久,不管是虚拟的角色,还是现实的人物,都能进行两两组合。有的眷属难成,有的生拉硬拽,但CP爱好者总能从细微的举动中解读出跌宕起伏的情感历程。  CP一说最早始于日本ACGN同人作品,将有恋爱关系的人称为CP。但它不止于此,逐渐扩散到各个领域之中,如今
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