Identification of over-expressed genes in human renal cell carcinoma by combining suppression subtra

来源 :Science in China(Series C:Life Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuchuanmiao
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To isolate the over-expressed genes in human renal cell carcinoma (RCC) and analyze its molecular basis of carcinogenesis, we used the mRNA from human RCC tissues as tester and that from the matched normal kidney tissues as driver to construct the suppression subtractive hybridization library. 379 of the subtracted clones were arrayed onto a nylon mem-brane and the over-expressed genes were then screened by hybridizing the filter with radioac-tively labeled cDNA from RCC and matched normal kidney tissues. 67 clones over-expressed in RCC by a factor of 6 or more were sequenced and its identities were analyzed in GenBank da-tabase. 4 clones were previously unknown fragments and 2 clones represent KIAA genes. The rest clones were the known genes and some of them were RCC-related, including vascular en-dothelial growth factor, vimentin and tissue factor. Most of the known genes were the RCC-related genes previously unknown, including zinc ribbon domain-containing 1 protein (ZNRD1), pituitary tumor transforming gene1 (PTTG1). Northern blot and semi-quantitative RT-PCR confirmed that the mRNA levels of the 3 novel fragments and 1 KIAA and 3 known genes were significantly higher in RCC than in the matched normal kidney tissues. Immunohis-tochemical and Western blot analysis for PTTG1 and ZNRD1 revealed increased protein level in RCC. The over-expressed genes in RCC are the potential molecular targets for diagnosis and therapy and it is very important to understand the molecular mechanism of RCC through the profile of over-expressed genes. To isolate the over-expressed genes in human renal cell carcinoma (RCC) and analyze its molecular basis of carcinogenesis, we used the mRNA from human RCC tissues as tester and that from the matched normal kidney tissues as driver to construct the suppression subtractive hybridization library . 379 of the subtracted clones were arrayed onto a nylon mem-brane and the over-expressed genes were then screened by hybridizing the filter with radioac-tively labeled cDNA from RCC and matched normal kidney tissues. 67 clones over-expressed in RCC by a factor of 6 or more were sequenced and its identities were analyzed in GenBank da-tabase. 4 clones were previously unknown fragments and 2 clones represent KIAA genes. The rest clones were the known genes and some of them were RCC-related, including vascular en -dothelial growth factor, vimentin and tissue factor. Most of the known genes were the RCC-related genes previously unknown, including zinc ribbon domain-containing protein (ZNRD1), pituita ry tumor transforming gene1 (PTTG1). Northern blot and semi-quantitative RT-PCR confirmed that the mRNA levels of the 3 novel fragments and 1 KIAA and 3 known genes were significantly higher in RCC than in the matched normal kidney tissues. Immunohis-tochemical and Western blot analysis for PTTG1 and ZNRD1 revealed increased protein level in RCC. The over-expressed genes in RCC are the potential molecular targets for diagnosis and therapy and it is very important to understand the molecular mechanism of RCC through the profile of over-expressed genes.
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1 材料与方法1 .1 一般资料  1 998年~ 2 0 0 2年我科收治晚期胃癌78例 ,男 6 1例 ,女 1 7例 ,年龄 4 3~ 84岁 ,病程 1~ 4年 ,全部病例均经胃镜及活检病理证实。发病部位 :胃