
来源 :天津教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangyp88
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我担任幼教职业班的班主任。这个班的学生素质比较差,但他们将来从事的职业却是管理,这就需要她们在学期间得到切实的管理训练。管理是教育的前提,没有好的管理就没有好的教育。学生学会自治自理,才能自强自主,才能更好地发挥聪明和才智。为此,我在班里试行了“执行班委制”的民主管理方法。其主要做法是: 我班共有六个小组,每组七人,正好是班委数。每周由一组担任执行班委,每人一职,各负其责。这就是在班主任指导下的执行班委。原班委也没有废弃,由他们去参加学校的会议,协助执行班委工作。她们也参加所在组的执行班委工作,但不担任主要职务。执行班委的任务是,一周内的班内所有工作都由她们管起来。放学时,每个执行班委都向班主任汇报一天的工作,班上的问题、动态。班主任根据汇报写出班日记。一周后 I serve as head teacher of preschool education classes. The quality of students in this class is relatively poor, but the occupation they will pursue in the future is management, which requires them to receive effective management training during their studies. Management is the premise of education. Without good management, there is no good education. When students learn to self-govern themselves, they can become self-reliant in order to better develop their intelligence and intelligence. For this reason, I tried the democratic management method of “executing class committee system” in my class. Its main approach is: There are six groups in my class, each with seven people, which happens to be the number of classes. Each week is served by a group of executive committees, each of whom has its own responsibility. This is the executive committee under the guidance of the head teacher. The original class committee did not abandon it. They went to attend school meetings and assisted in the implementation of the work of the class committee. They also participate in the work of the group’s executive committee, but they do not hold the main positions. The task of the Executive Committee is to manage all the work in the class within one week. At the time of school, each executive committee report to the head teacher a day’s work, questions and trends in the class. The head teacher wrote the class diary according to the report. After a week
本文介绍了机车车轮和钢轨之间粘着系数的变化情况;介绍了粘着系数的统计研究方法和随机干扰模拟驱动试验的方法。 This paper introduces the changes of the adhesion coe