AI in Education: Change at the Speed of Learning(Ⅱ)译题 《教育中的人工智能:学习速度的变化》(二)

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  Product by UNESCO IITE (The UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education)联合国教科文组织教育信息技术研究所
  该报告为UNESCO IITE新推出的“教育的数字化转型”(Digital Transformation of Education)系列出版物的第一期。据悉,“教育的数字化转型”系列將包括政策简报、分析报告和反思论文,以探讨由于技术的使用及其对教育和人类生活其他领域的影响,教育领域正在发生和正在出现的根本性变化。
  1.The Changing Role of Technology in Education
  Students and teachers are facing a world of constant, ever-accelerating change. The disparity between the developed and developing world in terms of access to the internet and smart devices was immediately recognised as a ‘Digital Divide’; and as technology entered the classroom in schools where the socio-economic conditions allowed for such investments, fears were expressed that disadvantaged students of all nationalities would be left behind.
  Conversely, many people held that access to technology and low-cost mobile devices could help close the educational gap caused by failures of the formal education system, and connect those who had left school or never had the opportunity to attend a classroom to rich educational experiences which could address foundational issues such as the global challenge of illiteracy.
  In the event, the introduction of devices into the classroom did not bring about a commensurate improvement in exam grades — though it did help to enable new pedagogical modalities such as the flipped classroom — and illiteracy rates remained virtually unchanged. The role of the teacher has been proven paramount, along with the need for adequate professional development supports which incorporate the building of digital skills. Far from technology replacing teachers, the role of the teacher is now recognised as the most important factor in unlocking the potential of technology to advance teaching and learning.
  In concert with the emergence of these new technologies was a focus upon what were termed ‘21st century skills’. Knowledge-acquisition was relegated in importance, and the ability to work in teams, to collaborate and communicate effectively and to develop analytical and digital skills to better prepare students for the world they would face upon leaving school assumed a primacy in curricular and pedagogical design. Learning how to learn and the importance of lifelong learning were regarded as intrinsically linked to the acquisition of digital skills and experience in the use of basic technologies.
  2.Advancements in Technology
  2.1 Data, Analytics and Personalized Learning   The promise of technology lays in its ability to support personalised learning pathways: but this could not be achieved through the use of hardware or software alone. To determine whether students were building 21st century skills it would be necessary to measure a variety of data, drawn from disparate sources. The implementation of Student Information Systems and Learning Management Systems provided new digital data sets, but the majority of data pertinent to student progress and performance was still in paper form, and often resided solely in the heads of teachers. Before Artificial Intelligence or Predictive Analytics could be employed to assist in the creation of personalized learning pathways, progress was necessary in how data was gathered, stored, and made accessible.
  2.2 Artificial Intelligence
  Artificial Intelligence begins with data. The ability to ingest data from multiple data sources, interrogate that data and derive insights — using tools such as predictive analytics and machine learning — is what makes AI such an exciting advancement in education technology. In an educational context, perhaps the best way to view Artificial Intelligence is to view it as Augmented Intelligence. The application of AI provides all stakeholders with additional information and with insights which can better inform decisions.
  2.3 Cloud Computing
  Perhaps the single most important development in the evolution of Artificial Intelligence has been the shift from what is termed ‘on-premises’ computing  to Cloud Computing, where users access computing resources through the internet, with a virtually unlimited source of computing power that can increase in line with their needs. These resources include tools and applications like data storage, servers, databases, networking, and software. As long as an electronic device has access to the internet, it has access to the data and the software programs to run it.
  2.4 Machine Learning
  Machine Learning is an application of Artificial Intelligence which enables computers to act without being explicitly programmed, and to learn and improve from experience without human intervention or assistance. It is used to answer questions that cannot be answered by manual research, and is based on the idea that systems can learn to identify patterns and make decisions and can become more proficient over time, learning from previous computations to produce reliable, repeatable decisions and results.   译文
本報讯 日前,四平市教育局召开全市教育系统疫情防控工作视频会议,全面落实国务院联防联控机制电视电话会议以及省、市疫情防控工作要求,对当前全市教育系统疫情防控工作进行再部署。会议由四平市教育局副局长朱环宇主持。四平市委教育工委书记,市教育局党组书记、局长李捷轩出席会议并讲话。   李捷轩指出,疫情防控形势依然复杂严峻,全市教育系统一定要深入贯彻落实国家和省、市的决策部署,克服麻痹思想、侥幸心理、放
深入研究  做好线上教学准备   线上教学开始前,学校通过线上集体备课的形式开展了备课活动,组织各学年组教师对教材进行了深入研究。校领导和骨干教师对各种教学方案反复推敲,最终制订出了切实可行的教学方案。各学年组教师根据学生学情与教材重难点准备好个人的教学计划、授课计划,教研组长合理安排教学进度,并制订教研组计划、集体备课计划,同时指导家长使用网络学习空间人人通、钉钉等平台,确保线上教学顺利进行。
坚守教师岗位  7月19日,郑州飘起了丝丝细雨,打在身上凉飕飕的,这一夜我失眠了,听着窗外的雨声,我的心揪了起来。7月20日早上7:30,接到上级通知后,我在郑州市郑东新区众意路小学(以下简称“众意路小学”)暑期托管微信群内,发布了暂停暑期托管服务信息。  因担心家长已经出发了,我站在学校大门口劝返家长。到9:30,确定再无家长送学生到校,我马上走遍校园记录漏水点、积水点及其他安全隐患,第一时间上
本报讯 近日,郑州市教育局召开全市教育系统安全工作会议,对全市校园安全隐患排查整治工作进行安排部署。各开发区、各区(县、市)教育局分管安全工作的副局长、安全科长、分管校车的科长(主任),市教育局局属学校分管安全工作副校长、二级机构负责人参加会议。  会上,郑州市教育局安保处处长徐荣新传达了郑州市安委会第三次全体(扩大)会议精神,并对校园安全隐患“查什么”“怎么查”“查了以后怎么办”三个方面,进行明
本报讯 近日,临沂市莒南县教育和体育局教研室在莒南县第一小学举行“双减”背景下的小学教研调研座谈会,莒南县教育和体育局小学教研室副主任王文堂,语文教研员周佃淑,常识教研员陈庆芬,县直和镇街部分小学学校负责人及骨干教师参与座谈。  会议指出,各学校要在“双减”工作部署要求之下,认真贯彻落实教育部《关于加强义务教育学校考试管理的通知》要求,积极探索行之有效的评价方式,进一步提升教育教学质量,促进学生健
本报讯 近日,河南省教育厅下发《河南省教育厅关于组织实施“国培计划(2021)”——河南省中小学幼儿园教师培训项目的通知》(教师〔2021〕297号,以下简称“《通知》”),在全省范围内开展中小学幼儿园教师培训。  根据《河南省教育厅、河南省财政厅关于遴选2021年“国培计划”项目承担单位的通告》(教师〔2021〕209号)要求,河南省教育厅组织专家对各申报单位的培训方案进行了评审,经商河南省财政
本报讯 近日,济宁市汶上县第五实验中学举办了“聚焦课堂·智创未来”暨智慧课堂开放日活动。活动旨在进一步推动智慧课堂建设与应用,增进家长对教育信息化的了解,提升家校共育品质,促进区域信息技术与教育教学创新融合发展。  活动伊始,政教务主任邵学壮致欢迎辞,并详细介绍了学校目前智慧課堂教育教学工作所取得的显著成效。  随后,活动以语文、数学、英语等学科为基础开展了智慧课堂教学展示课程,与会教师们课前借助
本报讯 近日,2021年山东省教育教学信息化大赛评审结果揭晓,东营市教育局开发区分局参加了小学、初中、幼儿园三个学段的比赛并取得优异成绩,共计49个信息化作品获奖(东营市158个,其中小学、初中、幼儿园三个学段92个,开发区分局占市小学、初中、幼儿园三個学段获省奖比例为53.26%),其中获一等奖28个(东营市63个,其中小学、初中、幼儿园三个学段46个,开发区分局占市小学、初中、幼儿园三个学段获
学科:小学语文 教材版本:长春2001课标版(二年级上册)  主讲教师:姚淑艳 学校:长春文庙小学   教学分析:春天是学生们最喜爱的季节,这不只是因为“儿童散学归来早,忙趁东风放纸鸢”的乐趣,也是源于“一年之计在于春”给人们带来的催人向上的精神力量。学习本课,学生在情感上很容易与文本、与作者接近,再加上文章拟人化的语言更易让学生接受。因此,教师在教学时只要以多种形式激发学生阅读兴趣,引领