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2003年固定资产投资形势分析延续2002年的快速增长势头,2003年我市全社会固定资产投资持续保持高增长。1-11月全市累计完成全社会固定资产投资662.9亿元,同比增长40.35%。全年投资有望超过800亿元,超额完成市委、市政府提出的三年三步走的阶段性目标。2003年我市固定资产投资高速增长的业绩,是在全国范围内固定资产投资普遍加速的背景条件下取得的。2003年我市固定资产投资同时具有一些鲜明特征:1.投资总量增速持续加快。2002年,我市固定资产投资增速达到27.9%。2003年投资增速高开高走,自年初以来一直保持较高数值,6-7月受非典影响,我市投资增速稍有回落,但是从8月开始,我市固定资产投资再次提速,全年投资有望超过800亿元,增速超过30%。2.限额以上固定资产投资快速增长;非国有投资增速超过国有及国有控股企业投资。 The analysis of the situation of fixed assets investment in 2003 continued its rapid growth in 2002. In 2003, the investment in fixed assets of the whole city of our city maintained a sustained high growth. From January to November, the total accumulated investment in fixed assets in the whole city reached 66.29 billion yuan, an increase of 40.35% over the same period of last year. The annual investment is expected to exceed 80 billion yuan, surpassing the phased goal of three years and three steps proposed by the municipal party committee and city government. The achievements of the rapid growth of investment in fixed assets in our city in 2003 were obtained under the background of the general acceleration of investment in fixed assets across the country. In 2003, the city’s fixed assets investment also has some distinctive features: 1. The total investment growth continued to accelerate. In 2002, the city’s fixed asset investment growth rate reached 27.9%. Investment growth in 2003 opened higher and higher, since the beginning of the year has been maintained at a high value, affected by the SARS in June-July, the city’s investment growth fell slightly, but from August, the city’s fixed asset investment accelerated again, The annual investment is expected to exceed 80 billion yuan, an increase of over 30%. 2. Investment in fixed assets above quota is growing rapidly; growth of non-state investment exceeds that of state-owned and state-controlled enterprises.
Incoherent optical processing of microwave signals,where low-coherence broadband light sources are employed instead of costly mode locked lasers,has attracted g
如何坚持科学的发展观,走可持续发展的道路,实现云南怒江的保护与开发并举,是摆在云南怒江各级领导面前非常现实的一大课题。近日,记者在怒江州采访了中共怒江州委书记解毅:  对于怒江州来说,只有坚持保护与开发并举,才能使科学发展观真正落到实处。  因为结合州情来看,怒江地处云南西北、青藏高原南延部分、横断山脉纵分地带,是全国唯一的一个傈僳族自治州,至今仍是云南乃至全国最贫困、最落后的地区,是一个集边疆、
设计是现代生活的灵魂。 ——昂蒂.诺米斯耐米设计师有责任把人类的生活变的更好。掌握了现代科技的设计师一定能成功地解决人类所面临的生态环境问题。 ——昂蒂.诺米斯耐米
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一、2004年经济环境分析从国际经济发展的趋势看。2004年世界经济增长步伐将明显加快,国际贸易也将进一步提速,安徽发展面临的国际经济环境整体上好于2003年。 2004年全球经