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2005上海书展落下帷幕,在九天的书展期间三十万市民踊跃参展。上海书展的各项历史记录均被大幅刷新。据介绍,本届书展的入场人次为三十万,现场销售总额两千五百万元人民币,来自国内一百五十家图书馆的团购订货总码洋达到一千七百五十万元。另外,书展期间的图书交易会上的订货码洋超过两亿元。这些数字较往届书展都有大幅增长,这表明以“开放性、服务性”为标志的上海书展已成为国内出版物交流的重要平台之一,其对国内市场的影响力、辐射力正在急剧增强。 The 2005 Shanghai Book Fair came to a close with 300,000 people attending the nine-day book fair. The history of Shanghai Book Fair have been substantially refreshed. According to reports, the current book fair attendance of 300,000, on-site sales of 25 million yuan total, from the domestic 150 library buy orders total foreign Yang reached 17.5 million yuan. In addition, the book fair during the book fair ocean code more than 200 million yuan. These figures show a substantial increase over the previous book fair, which shows that the Shanghai Book Fair, marked by “openness and serviceability,” has become one of the important platforms for domestic publications exchange. Its influence on the domestic market is rapidly increasing. .
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摘 要:随着新课改的推行,对英语教育的要求也有所提升,特别是对高中生的英语口语要求越来越高。但是,现阶段我国高中英语教学中依旧存在许多问题,学生的英语水平普遍不高,尤其是英语口语水平。为此,本文对高中英语口语教学的优化方略提出了一点建议。  关键词:新课改;高中;英语口语;优化  虽然我国已推行英语教育改革很多年,但是取得的成效却不太理想。学生的英语学习仅仅停留在反复做题层面,英语口语水平达不到国
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分别采用血清学方法和PCR SSP基因定型方法对 10 2份脐带血HLA A , B位点进行了检测 ,经对比分析结果显示血清学近 18.6%不能得出满意结果 ,HLA A , B位点错定率分别在6.1%和
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
(哎)--齐刷刷满坡(哟)铺绿毡,是谁(哟)洒下了幸福的甘泉;党中央(嘞嘞嘞)西部开发(嘞嘞嘞嘞)传号令,西吉(者)人民(哟)战苗园。(嘞嘞嘞……)西吉人民战苗园(哎咳哟)。 (Hey) -