Daria and the mustang 达莉亚和野马

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  “I don’t want to go.” Daria moved her feet slightly and hung her shoulders. Mom continued packing a bag. “We’re going to Uncle Rich’s in
  Montana for summer vacation. He’s your father’s brother, and we go there every year.”
  Daria stormed out of her mom’s room and said angrily, “Nobody ever thinks of me!” “That’s enough. We’re going,” replied Mom angrily, too.
  Their August vacation came sooner than Daria wanted. Before she knew it, she and the family were at Uncle Rich’s ranch. Uncle Rich grabbed her dad and hugged him. “Good to see you,” said
  Uncle Rich. Daria’s brother and sister were twins and two years younger, so they didn’t realize how inconvenient and boring being on a ranch was. They raced to see animals. Daria grabbed her bag. “I’m going to my room,” she told her parents.
  “Wait a minute, Daria,” said Uncle Rich. “I have got something to show you.” “You come, too,” he said to Daria’s parents. At the barn Daria saw the horse. It was of medium size. It had a fine, soft black coat and one white foot. There was a wide white patch that ran down the center of its face. Daria fell in love with it at first sight. “Wow! What a horse.”
  “He’s a mustang,” said Uncle Rich. “Mustangs are free horses who live in the wild. We found him stuck in the mud down by the river. I didn’t know how he got there. My friend and I roped him and managed to get him out. This mustang is a beauty.”
  Daria kicked the dirt. “Can I help care for him?” Then she felt her heart beating in expectation.
  Uncle Rich laughed. “You bet. The more hands we have, the better. Just don’t get too attached. Once we’re sure he’s okay, we will have to let him loose. Mustangs went from over a million at the beginning of the 20th century to less than 17,000 in 1970. They were hunted for meat.”
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  Daria felt her stomach turning.
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