,Phosphorylation of PLIN3 by AMPK promotes dispersion of lipid droplets during starvation

来源 :蛋白质与细胞 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kaixin314159
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Dear Editor,Lipid droplets (LDs) are dynamic lipid-storage organelles of storage depots and sources of essential substrates for myriad cellular processes and protect cells from lipotoxicity (Ohsaki et al.,2006).Disrupted LD and fat storage homeostasis has been linked to metabolic diseases such asatherosclerosis,obesity,and type Ⅱ diabetes (Levin et al.,2001).Structurally,the core of neutral lipids in LDs is surrounded by a phospholipid monolayer and coated with specific proteins (Storey et al.,2011).Perilipin family of proteins are the predominant LD-associated proteins.In mammals,Perilipin 1 (PLIN1) is primarily expressed in adipose tissues and a major regulator of lipolysis in adipocytes (Kuo et al.,2017).PLIN2 and PLIN3 help coat LDs in most other cell types (Bulankina et al.,2009).Unlike PLIN1/2,PLIN3 targets primarily to nascent LDs and remains stable in the cytoplasm when not associated with LDs (Hocsak et al.,2010).It has emerged as a regulator of LD biogenesis and degradation (Bulankina et al.,2009).
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