回族文学 文学期刊要办出自己的个性

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许多迹象已经表明,中国文学类期刊的发展已经日渐逼近深刻变革的前夜。这就意味着许多文学期刊多年延续下来的办刊思路和固有面貌,已经不能完全适应当今市场与读者要求。正如一位编辑同仁所说的:“我不止一次听到读者和作家感叹,中国当今许多文学期刊几乎千刊一面,无非是小说、散文、诗歌、评论四大块,而且由于优秀作品严重匮乏,内容和面孔都陈腐得散发着霉气,大都让人提不起阅读的兴致。”面对不少文学期刊的读者群日渐萎缩,发行量锐减的颓势,人们甚至不无疑虑地感叹:文学期刊这一特定的期刊品种,是否已经在当代读者那里失去了它原有的吸引力?面对这一困境,其实许多文学期刊的编辑同仁们也深切感到了这样一个不无困扰的问题:中国文学类期刊今后发展的出路何在?应该说,文学类期刊目前仍然是我国期刊世界中的一个大类。据统计,中国目前各类期刊总量达8000多家,其中文学期刊大约占10%左右。如果从宏观上对我国目前的文学类期刊加以分析与梳理,从发展格局和生存状态上看,它们大致可以分为这样三类:其一是属于像《收获》、《当代》、《十月》、《人民文学》这类国家级的文学名刊或大刊。由于它们大都拥有着多年积累而成的品牌效应,已经具备了自我发展的强势地位,在稿源上也占据了高端优势资源,所以它们的数量虽然不多,却依然属于文学期刊中的强势一族,有着较强的文学影 Many signs have shown that the development of Chinese literary journals has been approaching the eve of profound change. This means that many literary journals for many years the continuation of journal ideas and the inherent face, can not fully meet the requirements of today’s market and readers. As one of my editorial colleagues said: “I have repeatedly noticed readers and writers lamenting that many literary journals in China today are almost always published in the same issue. They are novels, essays, poems and commentary. And because of the serious lack of outstanding works , The contents and the faces are all corrupted and exudes mildew, most people can not afford to read the interest of reading. ”Faced with the shrinking readership of many literary journals, the sharp decline in circulation, people even without doubt undoubtedly sigh: Literary periodicals, a particular periodical variety, have lost their original appeal to contemporary readers? Faced with this predicament, in fact, editors and colleagues of many literary journals also deeply felt that such a question is not without problems: What is the way out for the future development of Chinese literary journals? It should be said that literary journals are still a major category in the world of Chinese periodicals. According to statistics, the total number of various journals in China now amounts to more than 8,000, of which literary journals account for about 10%. If we macroscopically analyze and sort out the current literary journals in our country, they can be roughly divided into three categories according to the development pattern and the state of existence: one is that they belong to the categories of “Harvest,” “Contemporary,” “October ”,“ People’s Literature ”such national literature journals or large journals. Since most of them have the brand effect accumulated over the years, they already possess the strong position of self-development and occupy high-end superior resources in manuscripts, so although their numbers are still small, they still belong to the strong family of literary journals , Has a strong literary shadow
-A Portable gas chromatograPhy (GC) instrument is presented in this paper. In this GC instrument a new gaseous sampling device was used in place of conventional
摘 要:为了进一步强化素质教育,增强基础教育的规范性,使学生树立正确的人生观和价值观,本文以提升初中英语课堂的有效性作为主要研究内容。通过对构建初中英语高效课堂的必要性进行分析,进而提出了构建高效初中英语课堂的相关策略,旨在为提高初中英语课堂效率和初中生的整体英语水平提供有价值的参考。  关键词:新课改;初中英语;试听教学;情景教学  一、构建初中英语高效课堂的必要性  1.构建高效初中英语课堂是
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