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利用康普顿散射进行无损检测具有直接显示,检测速度快和易于计算机控制等优点,作为其它无损检测方法的补充,在工业生产中有着特别的应用价值。近年来,这种检测方法受到国内外的重视,有了较快的发展。Argento等人在美国军方支持下研制的用计算机控制的这样的检测装置,对炮弹装料进行检测可达每分钟一个的检测速度,能可靠地鉴別裂缝、空穴和密度低等缺陷,以及缺陷的位置,并已生产作为炮弹的常规检测手段。 本工作对康普顿散射无损检测的原理和检测条件进行了分析,建立了基本的测试装置,用 Non-destructive testing using Compton scattering has the advantages of direct display, fast detection speed and easy computer control. As a supplement to other non-destructive testing methods, it has particular application value in industrial production. In recent years, this detection method has been valued at home and abroad, with rapid development. Argento et al., A computer-controlled test device developed with the support of the U.S. military, test shells at speeds up to one per minute and reliably identify defects such as cracks, holes and densities, As well as the location of defects, and has been produced as a routine test of artillery shells. This work analyzes the principle and testing conditions of non-destructive Compton scattering and establishes the basic testing device
近年来,森林苗圃越来越普遍地采用化学方法除草。化学除草不仅省劳力,在许多情况下还可提高苗木质量。 In recent years, it has become increasingly common to use chemi
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据科学日报(Science Daily)2008年2月20日报导,Purdue大学工程师已开发了一种新型富铝合金,这种合金通过水分解产生氢气。与交通和电力传统用燃料相比,具有经济上的竞争力。
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The urea-formaldehyde(UF) capsules filled with a healing agent, a mixture of epoxy resins(epoxy 711 and E-51) as core material, were produced by means of one st