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每当元旦之后、春节前夕,各级党政领导都会忙于“送温暖”活动。于是想起去年“送温暖”出现的“尴尬”事:县里有位主要领导一行人来到某社区一特困人员家中送温暖。这位解放前就入伍,曾为“打江山”作过贡献的老复员军人,对县领导亲自登门送温暖似乎并不怎么感激,相反牢骚有加,说什么平时你们哪去了,我的困难谁知晓,房子倒塌无人问,生病缺医常呻吟……据悉,事后该社区负责人受到了责备,说这是谁负责报上来的“送温暖”对象,为什么不事先去做好工作云云,呜呼! 对此“尴尬”事,笔者不胜感慨,至少有三点不吐不快! 开展“送温暖”活动很有必要,尤其是那些社会特困群体。每逢佳节倍思“困”,这是我们各级党政领导践行“三个代表”重要 Whenever New Year’s Day, the Spring Festival Eve, party and government leaders at all levels will be busy with “warmth” activities. Then I remembered the “awkward” incident of “sending warmth” last year: a major leader and pedestrian in the county came to send warmth to a destitute home in a certain community. The old demobilized soldier who had enrolled before the liberation and had contributed to “fighting Jiangshan” did not seem grateful to the county leaders personally for sending warmth to their door. On the contrary, they complained about what went wrong and what was wrong with me Who knows, no one asked the collapse of the house, sick often lack of moaning ... ... It is reported that after the community leaders have been blamed, saying that who is responsible for reporting up the “send warm” object, why not go ahead and do a good job, Woohoo this “embarrassing” thing, I feel mixed feelings, at least three do not spit up! Carry out “send warm” activities are necessary, especially those groups of social destitute. During times of the festivals, times are “sleepy,” which is why it is important for the party and government leaders at all levels to practice “three represents.”
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本文对Robin型非重叠区域分解法的收敛性作了系统的研究与总结.此方法本文中被用来求解二阶线性椭圆方程.   自H.A.Schwarz提出以来,区域分解方法方法得到了极大的发展,现己
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本文主要研究如何在密度函数,f(x)未知的情况下,给出平均剩余寿命函数(MeanResidual Life,简记为MRL)满足一定单调性约束条件、并且具有无穷多阶光滑性的估计量,并且我们给出的估
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