
来源 :中国医疗保险 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:niudaben
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4月22日,记者从人力资源和社会保障部获悉,H7N9禽流感参保患者在入院标准、定点医院选择等方面可适当放宽条件,以保证参保患者及时救治。对于自基层医院转诊至高级别医院患者,可按照基层医院标准报销或适当提高报销比例,符合规定医疗费用要即时结算。对参保患者治疗期间确需使用的不属于基本医疗保险支付范围的药品和医疗服务项目,可参考国家卫生计生委制定 April 22, the reporter learned from the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security that H7N9 bird flu insured patients in admission criteria, the choice of designated hospitals and other aspects can be relaxed to ensure that insured patients timely treatment. For referral from the grassroots hospitals to patients in high-level hospitals, reimbursement can be made according to the standards of grassroots hospitals or the reimbursement proportion can be appropriately increased, and the medical expenses can be settled in time according to the regulations. For insured patients do need to use during the treatment does not belong to the scope of the payment of basic medical insurance drugs and medical services, refer to the National Health and Family Planning Commission
摘 要: 本研究以凯里学院二年级非英语专业的62名学生为研究对象,探讨学习者的工作记忆对英语听力理解的影响。研究表明,工作记忆与英语听力理解显著相关。本研究为听力教学提供了一定启示。  关键词: 工作记忆 英语听力理解 二语学习  1. 引言  工作记忆自从被 McLaughlin 和 Skehan 等引入二语研究后,引起二语习得研究者的极大兴趣。但是,有关工作记忆对听力理解能力影响的研究相对较少