小麦拔节孕穗期也称生长中期,以主茎第一节间伸出地面2cm左右到旗叶抽出全展为标志。湖北省大面积小麦常年在2月下旬至3月上旬陆续拔节,拔节后30多天即进入孕穗期。 拔节孕穗期是小麦一生中生长发育最旺盛的时期。其生长特点:一是从拔节开始,生长中心转向茎秆幼穗,分蘖出现两极分化:大蘖向成穗方面快长,小蘖开
Jointing booting stage of wheat, also known as mid-growth stage, to the main stem of the first section out of the ground about 2cm to the flag leaf out of the whole exhibition as a symbol. Large area of wheat in Hubei perennial in late February to early March successively after the jointing, more than 30 days after jointing into the booting stage. Jointing booting stage is the most vigorous growth and development of wheat throughout the period. Its growth characteristics: First, from the beginning of the jointing, the growth center turned to young stems, tillering polarization: tiller to spike fast, small tiller open