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  皇家驿栈位于故宫东邻, 有55间以历代皇帝命名的客房,周围古树列道,古屋环绕,于喧闹的都市中独享宁静。皇家驿栈体现了中国传统文化与西方现代设计理念的完美融合,每一处细节都是一种创新,令每位入住的客人在醇厚的历史文化中,对中国酒店进行全新的解读。
  A few months before the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games and the anticipated influx of athletes and tourists to the city, the Small Luxury Hotels member in the People’s Republic of China opened its doors on April 18. The 55-room hotel, The Emperor, is located adjacent to the former Imperial Palace of the Forbidden City, an acclaimed UNESCO world heritage site. Nestled in an old tree-lined avenue among traditional Chinese temples and houses, the hotel offers a tranquil respite from the hectic city pace of Beijing though located in its geographic centre.
  The building of The Emperor was the former premises of the Qinghua University Alumni and features a classical Chinese brick façade and roof. Beijing Dacheng Youfang Zhiye Co. Ltd. developed the building into a hotel project with their international partners. The architecture of the cutting-edge design hotel was developed by renowned interior designers GRAFT, with international offices in Berlin, Los Angeles and Beijing. The project’s brand, overall concept and pre-opening operational development were created by hotel and restaurant development consultancy Walter Junger & Friends, Ltd. with offices in Berlin and Singapore.
  The English name The Emperor was specially chosen: on one hand, it refers to the former imperial residence, the Forbidden City, home to Emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.  On the other hand, the name alludes to the individualised service afforded to every guest - an experience worthy of an Emperor.
  The choice of names and their meanings for all areas of the hotel was also based on underlining the philosophy of hospitality and design. The harmony in the relationship between traditional Chinese culture and modern design facilitates guests in learning all about the various facets.
  SHI means Food and Crystal is the name of the Chinese restaurant. The all-day dining restaurant is an ideal setting for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and features an integrated bar which transforms into a Beijing hotspot in the evening. Chef John Hao is responsible for this culinary jewel. He has worked in the famous Green T. House and is a senior member of associations such as the China Cuisine Association and the China Association of Health-Protection Food. Chef Hao also leads the "Longxing Hotel" research institute, known for the promotion of talented Chinese chefs.
  His creative cuisine combines traditional Chinese basic elements with modern presentation. A highlight of the menu in SHI is the specialty dishes, each inspired by a story from imperial Chinese history.
  Individual guests of SHI can dine on a diagonal long table, where architectural books and design magazines are provided for entertainment. More traditional configuration of tables along the glass windows of the restaurant and booth seating are also available.
  Aerial Courtyard right by the Forbidden City is also a wonderful place for dinner. The plentiful culture and the centuries-old background made the dishes delicious as well as the skillful cooking method and pure natural materials.
  YIN, the bar of The Emperor, means Drink and is one of the most breathtaking locations in Beijing. It is located on the rooftop of the hotel and offers unrivalled views of the Jingshan Hill pavilions and the Forbidden City palaces. The bar is open from April to October and the menu features specially-created cocktails, along with a snack menu offering a selection of international crêpes and freshly-baked Chinese sesame buns with sweet and savoury fillings.
  Ideally suited to host fashionable events, art exhibitions and such, a daily highlight of the hotel is the "Raising of the Lanterns" ritual at sunset on the roof terrace overlooking the Forbidden City.  A rousing anthem of beating Chinese drums announces the arrival of the red-garbed lantern bearers and culminates in the hanging of the lighted, large red lanterns.  The ceremony is inspired by the once popular Chinese tradition of hanging red lanterns nightly at the door of selected concubines in wealthy households as a sign of favour by the master, as depicted in the acclaimed Chinese movie set in the warlord era “Raise the Red Lantern”. At YIN, this ceremony denotes the transformation of the rooftop bar into a club lounge at sundown and is an invitation to spend the evening under the stars at the highest vantage point in the hotel.
  YUE signifies Joy and aptly describes the hotel spa and wellness area.  The all-glass enclosure, also located on the roof terrace, offers amazing views of the surrounding area. The highest point of the roof is reserved for the hotel's Jacuzzi and offers relaxation at the "highest" level - in summer as well as when snowfall blankets the city. Another Spa centre located at First basement and famous for its
  privacy feature and tender romance where you can enjoy the elegant comfort of the pleasure brought by massage.
  Underground multi-function room displays many works of famous artists. we change it time to time so that let you feel a different visual effect.
  Fitness centre situated next to the multi-function room, large glass floor allows guests experience the feeling of adjacent to natural.
  JING, the rooms are unique for the almost "floating" interiors. All furnishings are connected to each other by an invisible line, appearing as if the wall flows into the bed, continuing into the sofa and finally to the desk. The prevailing colour in all rooms is white, highlighted with fiery orange, lime green, deep ocean green and dove grey.  Each installation features a roofline motif of the Forbidden City silhouette, once again connecting modern design with traditional symbolism.  The flat screen television can be adjusted for viewing from multiple areas of the room and offers an international channel selection and six in-house music channels in different genres.  Room rates include breakfast, in-room honor bar and wireless internet access.
  Along the guestroom hallways, deep sofa niches create a private oasis for a short relaxing break with a variety of music selection from all over the world together with classical Chinese music. Guests can also find out up-to-date information about Beijing hotspots, historic details, the hotel concept and some other little-known secrets from the LCD screens along the corridors and in the lobby.
  Project developer Mr. Liu Shao Jun is proud of this new hotel, "I am very excited that we have created such a unique hotel with our international partners and are setting a benchmark in the boutique hotel and restaurant industry in Beijing and all of China. Not only will global visitors feel welcome at our hotel, but domestic travellers will also have an opportunity to experience a new style of hospitality.  Our sincere wish is for SHI, YIN and indeed The Emperor, to become the favoured gathering place for the residents and visitors of our beautiful city."
2006年是一个价值推动型牛市,2007年是一个资金驱动型牛市,但2008年这两个因素似乎都不具备,而且困境重重。内外经济环境充满不确定性、上市公司的估值水平不具备足够的吸引力、大小非解禁压力、再融资和新股 IPO的压力及信贷压力并存。    但是,2008年的股市还有一个很值得期待的投资亮点,那就是重组。一批上市公司通过并购重组实现了行业整合、整体上市和增强控制权等做优做强的目的,同时也催生了一
重组历来是市场中最为热门的炒作题材,且重组往往使一家公司出现脱胎换骨的变化,投资价值大幅提升,所以重组板块在二级市场上春风得意,炒作空间也比其他个股要广阔。可见,在今年调整震荡的行情中,重组将是2008年中国证券市场的第一大主题投资,就是重组,重组盛宴正在拉开帷幕。     政策极力扶持重组    自从中国股市在1990年12月19日开张以来,年年都有重组的行情,重组一直是股市不灭的热点。当然,重
这里是英国威廉王子新婚蜜月度假圣地,被国际旅游杂志评选为拥有“全球最美丽海滩”的塞舌尔(Seychelles)。它坐落在东部非洲印度洋上,由115个花岗岩岛和珊瑚岛组成。三种文化的交融,造就了如今肤色各异却又和睦相处的塞舌尔克里奥民族。  塞舌尔国土面积455平方公里,人口约8.5万,当地一半以上国土都是自然保护区。这里除了拥有美丽迷人的沙滩、世界一流的酒店和独一无二的海椰子树之外,还拥有体积大过
在北京T3航站楼的东北方向约2公里处,有一个马术俱乐部,其实在北京,类似这样的马术俱乐部有很多。在仍然很寒冷的早春2月,走进这家叫风度马汇的俱乐部时,这里并没有想象中的冷清,除了充满生机与活力的氛围,还有70多匹骏马的潇洒身影与温和眼神。  似乎没有人会对马这种动物产生反感,它们温良、忠诚、俊逸,从无怨言。其实,在每个人心底,都曾向往在草原上纵马驰骋。驾驶飞机、钓鱼、爬山、击剑、耕田、出海、骑马、
这是革命后古巴最知名最昂贵的品牌。它的故事也带着浓郁的传奇色彩。  昵称“奇哥”(Chicho)的比昂文尼多·培瑞兹是卡斯特罗的侍卫长,1963年奇哥拿了一只朋友艾杜阿多·黎维拉自己卷的雪茄给卡斯特罗,卡斯特罗一抽大为欣赏,要求黎维拉多卷些。1964年,郊外一所乡村俱乐部的旧址,开始当作这雪茄的工厂,同年也开始用这种雪茄当作致赠外国政要的礼物。这雪茄起初没有名字,标签主要是以白底色,加上椭圆形的框
他有多种身份,并在其中转换自如、游刃有余。他曾经这样总结自己:一流的室内设计师,二流的酒店管理者,三流的作家,四流的编剧。他虽然身为酒店业国企高层,也曾是中国最富有的作家之一,但因为这些年来深深痴迷黄花梨收藏,梦想打造一座独一无二的中国黄花梨艺术馆,他倾其所有,乐此不疲,成为国内黄花梨藏品最多的收藏家。对他来说,黄花梨已经变成新的事业的一部分,也成为他最热衷的文化传承的事业。  他就是“一脚踏在文
在四川博物院的一层展厅,“行云——中国当代新艺术展”带给人们太多的遐思。  这里,没有了方力钧、岳敏君标志性的大笑脸,有了鲤鱼跃龙门和熊猫;少了西方元素,多了中国传统符号……有人说,一种飘在空中的当代艺术,沉下来了;看不懂的艺术,容易理解了。  这也正是策展人吕澎所希望的,他说,传统文化从未离开过我们今天的当代艺术,它和当代艺术之间始终存在着某种关联。而且近几年,吕已经感知当代艺术“再中国化”,并
展望6月行情,从基本面来看市场仍未摆脱上下两难的境地,预计未来一段时期仍以振荡为主,投资机会存在于市场局部,新能源、央企整合、绿色GDP、奥运直接受益等主题性投资机会值得关注。  “红五月”的预期落空,六月市场会如何表现?从基本面分析,市场仍未脱离上下两难的处境。一方面,制约未来1个月市场上涨的因素使市场担忧和迷茫:前期依赖较高地产投资拉动的投资增速能否持续;政策导向依然模糊。遏制通胀蔓延和通过刺
只有加快转变、彻底转变粗放式的经济增长模式,才能缓解进而从根本上解决制约中国经济长远发展的深层次矛盾和问题。那如何转变增长方式呢?第一种是依靠科技进步,第二种是依靠价格杠杠。遵循上述的思路讯,可以确定三大投资主线。  近期市场表现出上下两难的局面,一方面政策做多信号十分明显,另一方面基本面似乎又不支持大幅度上涨,那么,后市大盘的整体走势究竟如何?   从目前到奥运前后这个时间周期,市场应该会有一波