这是一个阳光明媚的日子,回乡小住的我在午饭后漫步来到村北的黄土岗上。顿时,我的视野变得开阔了,土岗下那片如春水般涌动的绿林豁然纳入我的眼帘——我又见到那片久违的绿林了! 有关绿林的记忆,贯穿了我人生之初的童年时光。刚记事的时候,这片林子是集体的“林场”。它南起黄土岗,北至小清河,呈椭圆状绵延一里有余。那时,秉直无私的爷爷被乡亲们推选为护林员。他把铺盖炊具一齐搬进了那间用土坯茅草筑成的护林
This is a sunny day, returning home to live in a small walk after I came to the village of loess Gangtang Gang. Suddenly, my field of vision has become more open, under the soil Gang piece of water like surging green forest suddenly into my eyes - I saw that long-lost green forest! The memory of Greenwood runs through my early childhood. Just note, this piece of wood is a collective “forest farm.” It is from the south loess Gang, Xiaoqing River to the north, was oval stretches more than one mile. At that time, straightforward grandpa was elected folks as rangers. He moved the covered cooking utensils into the shelter built with thatch grass