着眼于农 服务于农——新学期学校工作计划

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我校地处宝应汜光湖畔,是一所农村六个班的完全小学,施教区有二千多人口,每年7—11岁儿童入学率平均在95%以上。由于我们这个地区农、副、渔并举,居住分散,学生流动的现象时有发生。据调查统计,1983年上半年流动生有11人,15周岁以下未读完小学的有31人。新学期我们要认真学习《邓小平文选》,贯彻1983年5月6日《中共中央、国务院关于加强和改革农村学校教育若干问题的通知》,努力普及小学教育,加强共产主义思想教育,钟对农村实际,进行教学改革,巩固和发展劳动教育的成果,努力开创农村小学教育的新局面。一、大力抓好普及小学教育。1.增设教学点和巡回班。新学期我们要办好按教育部规定的教学计划开课的全日制小学;并分别在居住相对集中的小瓦甸渡口(本校设大瓦甸、相距有四里)、湖滩边的“北大荒”增设教学点,实行半日制,教学语文、数学、常识和思想品德课;选配一名思想好、作风好、教学好的正式民办教师担任巡回班教师,对不能入校、入点的儿童进行巡 Located on the bank of Shuguang Lake, Baoying is a complete primary school with six classes in rural areas. The school has a population of more than 2,000, and the enrollment rate of children aged 7-11 years is above 95% on average. Due to decentralization of living, subsistence, and fishery in our region, the phenomenon of student mobility has occurred from time to time. According to statistics from the survey, there were 11 people who had flown in the first half of 1983, and 31 people who had not finished primary school after 15 years of age. In the new semester, we must seriously study “Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping” and implement the “Notice of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Strengthening and Reforming School Education in Rural Areas” on May 6, 1983, in an effort to universalize primary education, strengthen communist ideological education, and develop rural ideological education. Actually, we will carry out teaching reforms, consolidate and develop the achievements of labor education, and strive to create a new situation for rural primary education. First, vigorously promote universal primary education. 1. Add teaching points and roving classes. In the new semester, we must complete a full-time primary school with a teaching plan stipulated by the Ministry of Education; and besides the Little Baderian Ferry (where the University has a large Wadian, four miles apart) and the “big Great Wilderness” on the banks of the lake. “Add teaching points, implement a half-day system, teach languages, mathematics, common sense, and ideological and moral lessons; select a well-informed, good-natured, well-educated, and well-trained teacher to serve as a teacher in the tour class, to children who cannot enter or enter the school. patrol
党的十一届三中全会以后,我们坚持了保证重点(普及小学五年教育)、两条腿走路,多种形式办学的方针,使我县的教育事业蓬勃发展。 一、初等教育 一九四九年,全县仅有64所小学(
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