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本文是根据作者在赞比亚工作的时候,在恩昌加铜矿联合有限公司洛卡纳分部进行的详细热力调查编写的。明都拉矿(Mindola)是赞比亚铜带组成洛卡纳分部的三个地下矿之一。每月生产1.9%铜和0.14%钴的矿石约270,000吨。由五台主扇构成循环的总风量略超过1000米~3/秒标准密度,采区的降温是在离采场相当大距离的主要风流分义地点装置空气冷却盘管来实现的。降温的综合能力为10,500千瓦(3500R.吨),其中大约7000千瓦为损失后的有效利用降温功率,但是从盘管带走的热量大约3500千瓦,为整个冷凝设备能力的61%。计划进一步扩迠五个生产中段和延深一个付井。在增加深度加之岩石温度较高的情况下,热量将变为一个主要问题,遇到岩石群导热性较高和裂隙水通过岩石温度已经升高的地层流入了作业区。本文叙述明都拉矿通风和降温的实践和对将来热力问题的特殊关系。这些都是讨论深部开采的一个看法。 This article is based on a detailed thermal survey conducted by the authors at the Loncaner branch of Enchangga Copper Mines Limited at the time of their work in Zambia. Mindola is one of three underground mines in the Luna Cana section of Zambia. About 270,000 tonnes of 1.9% copper and 0.14% cobalt ore are produced each month. The total air volume of circulation composed of five main fans slightly exceeds the standard density of 1000m ~ 3 / s. The cooling of the mining area is realized by installing air-cooling coils at the main locations where winds are separated from a large distance from the stope. The cooling capacity is 10,500 kilowatts (3500R. Tons), of which about 7,000 kilowatts is cooling power after a loss, but about 3,500 kilowatts of heat is removed from the coil, which is 61% of the capacity of the entire condensing plant. Plans to further expand the middle of the five production and deepen a well. With increasing depths and higher rock temperatures, heat becomes a major issue, encountering high thermal conductivity in the rock mass and fracturing water flowing into the work area through strata where the rock temperature has risen. This article describes the practice of ventilation and cooling in Mindu La Mine and its special relationship to future thermal issues. These are some of the ideas for discussing deep mining.
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