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刀郎人和他们的麦西莱甫麦西莱甫是阿拉伯语。它在现代维吾尔语中有“集会”、“聚会”的意思,后作为民间娱乐形式的名称被固定下来。刀郎,亦被音译作“刀朗”、“多郎”、“多朗”、“多浪”、“多兰”、“多伦”、“都兰”、“惰兰”或“道南”等。学者们从上世纪80年代才开始从历史学、音乐学、语言学、地理学及民族学等学科角度去对刀郎人族源进行研究。有的学者认为刀郎人是蒙古人的后裔,有的学者以 Dolan people and their Macyilampy Merseile are Arabic. It has the meaning of “rally”, “party” in modern Uyghur language and is fixed as the name of folk entertainment. Dao Lang is also transliterated into “Dao Lang”, “Dorao”, “Duolang”, “Dalang”, “Duolan”, “Duolun”, “ Blue ”, “ Ilan ”or “ Road South ”and so on. Scholars from the 80s of last century began to study the source of the Dalang people from the angle of history, musicology, linguistics, geography and ethnology. Some scholars think that the Daoist people are Mongolian descendants, and some scholars use it
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