Report of interview

来源 :中学课程辅导·教学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ren971211
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  The aim of this interview is to know the preferences, expectations and beliefs of the interviewee on English language learning. The interviewee is an adult learner who comes from Georgia, and works for military defense. His English level is not very good, therefore during the interview, some questions are explained in order to make him understand better.
  He expresses that the purpose of English study for him can be divided into two points. The first reason is his job needs English; he has to use English to communicate with different people form other countries and read English materials. The second reason is English is an international language which is used widely in the world; therefore, it is a necessity to learn English in his country.
  He believes it is the best way to study foreign languages in native-speaking countries. Because people have to use the foreign language everywhere at any time, which can help people improve their speaking and enrich their vocabularies. That is also the reason for him to study English in England. He can make a progress on English study quickly in the good language environment.
  For English study, he likes grammar best and thinks grammar is the premise for learning any foreign languages well. Grammar can let people use the vocabularies already known to organize sentences and learners can write a good composition with good sentence structures by using enough grammar knowledge. The interviewee pays more attention to grammar, which can show that for his own experience, grammar is the basic step to learn other practices in English effectively. He thinks that grammar is not difficult for him because some basic grammar rules can be applied to other areas in English. Therefore, he can use the firm grammar rules to make various kinds of sentences. He prefers to do grammar practices rather than do other practices of English. Writing is the most difficult aspect of English study for him, he says it is hard for him to organize an excellent composition in English. Writing involves people’s comprehensive abilities of English skills like firm knowledge of grammar, rich vocabularies and good organization.
  For English classes, he expects that English teachers give more grammar explanations and grammar practices in class time. The way to write a good writing should be the key points in class and teachers also can give some hot topics to students and let them write in their own way. Then he points out group work is very interesting, but teachers should not give so many group works during one class. He thinks sometimes working in the team is not a good way to all the people. Because teachers always ask some people to represent the whole group to express ideas so that not all the people can have the chance to interact with teachers. Especially for some shy learners and some students whose English level are low, they are not willing to tell their own ideas. So it is better for teacher give some self jobs to everyone and let each student think about their questions positively then speak out their own opinions.
  (作者单位:江西省南昌工学院 330108)
当前中学作文教学的现状很值得关注。单一的作文教学偏离了学生作为作文主体的正轨,束缚了其生命的灵性。时代呼唤作文教学的创新!创新教育呼唤创新人才。那么,如何在作文教学中实施创新教育呢?  一、观察想象,激发兴趣,让学生的思维活跃起来  基础教育作文教学改革在翻新花样上做足了文章,但创新精神严重缺失是不争的事实。重“结果”不重“过程”,难以收到实效。观察、思维能力的培养能让学生对所学知识有所选择、判断
在高中语文教学中,“写”,历来是教师们在教学中不断探索的一项重要课题。作为指导者,我们首先应当树立高中语文作文教学的阶段性全局观念:既要辨证分析学生在初中阶段所进行的一系列作文训练而达到的水准,又要在此基础上用发展的眼光来指导高中语文作文教学。这就要求我们不但要强化学生“会完整写出一篇作文”的教学,而且要做到更深刻、更灵活地教给学生“会写成一篇好作文”的个性化出口。  一、精雕细刻,创新动人  1
有一种现象大家都知道:在某一方面优秀的学生之所以优秀是因为该生比其他学生更主动。所以,做为教师,他的第一要素不是讲授,而是如何想办法让学生主动起来!  一、几种方法  1.强迫  教师给学生布置作业,学生若不完成就强迫,或延长学习时间或采取处罚措施,总之,你不动我采取各种措施推你动。这种方法最容易造成学生反感,甚至反抗,有一句话叫做:哪里有压迫哪里就有反抗,所以此法一定要慎用。  2.说教  给学
摘要:作文教学是中学语言教学的重要组成部分。在作文教学中,如何才能有效地培养并提升学生的写作能力是时代对语文教师提出的要求。本文在分析中学作文教学现状的基础上,对中学生作文能力的提高提出了自己的点滴看法。  关键词:作文教学;阅读;生活;实践  写作是运用语言文字进行表达和交流的重要方式,是认识世界、认识自我、进行创造性表述的过程。写作能力是语文素养的综合体现。”写作教学不仅仅是语言的输出和运用,
摘要:在阅读教学中,恰当地运用朗读手段,可以帮助学生理解课文内容,发展语言,发展思维和陶冶情感。因此,语文教师要注重阅读教学中的朗读指导:教师范读,感染学生;依据教材,指导朗读;重点段落,着重朗读,熟读成诵,激发兴趣。  关键词:阅读教学;朗读;指导  朗读既是传统语文学习的精髓,也是现代语文学习科学有效的方法。我国自古以来就有“书读百遍,其义自见”的名言,可见朗读的重要性。朗读是将无声的文字转换