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目的探讨食管癌患者外周血树突状细胞(DC)水平对预后的影响。方法采用流式细胞术对40例食管癌患者(A组)以及30例健康对照者(B组)外周血DC水平进行检测。对食管癌患者行3年随访。分析外周血树突状细胞水平与食管癌分期及术后生存率之间关系。结果A组患者外周血DC水平显著低于B组(P<0.05)。外周血DC水平高一些的食管癌患者3年生存率显著高于低者(50%vs.30%)。DCs水平与肿瘤分化程度无显著差异。结论食管癌外周血DC水平高的患者预后较好。 Objective To investigate the effect of peripheral blood dendritic cells (DCs) on prognosis in patients with esophageal cancer. Methods Flow cytometry was used to detect peripheral blood DC levels in 40 patients with esophageal cancer (group A) and 30 healthy controls (group B). Patients with esophageal cancer for 3 years follow-up. To analyze the relationship between peripheral blood dendritic cells and esophageal cancer staging and postoperative survival rate. Results A group of patients with peripheral blood DC levels were significantly lower than the B group (P <0.05). The 3-year survival rate of esophageal cancer patients with higher DC level was significantly higher than that of the lower (50% vs. 30%). DCs levels and tumor differentiation no significant difference. Conclusion The prognosis of patients with high esophageal cancer peripheral blood DC level is good.
To make the large-scale helium cryogenic system of fusion device EAST(experimental advanced super-conducting tokamak)run stably,as the core part,the helium turb
中国儿童文学作家曹文轩4月4日在意大利博洛尼亚国际童书展上荣获2016年国际安徒生奖,这是中国作家首次获得这一殊荣。  国际安徒生奖由国际儿童读物联盟于1956年设立,每两年评选一次,被誉为“儿童文学的诺贝尔文学奖”,旨在奖励世界范围内优秀的儿童文学作家和插画家。  获此殊荣的作家,一生只能获得一次,表彰的是该作家一生的文学造诣和建树。中国少年儿童新闻出版总社社长李学谦说,当前儿童文学题材种类丰富
Power couplers,used in China-ADS proton linac injector I,are required to transfer 6 kW RF power to the superconducting Spoke cavities.At present,first the two c