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  Section A
  1. 擅长……
  2. 弹钢琴
  3. 加入游泳俱乐部
  4. 起床
  5. 穿上
  6. 做作业
  7. 坐火车
  8. 到……地方去
  9. 决定;依靠
  10. 到达
  1. John wants to j                    the music club.
  2. Miss Gao t                    us English very well.
  3. Linda’s h                    is far from her school.
  4. She t                    the No.16 bus to school every day.
  5. It’s twenty m                    walk from here.
  6. It usually takes Sally one hour to r                    her bike to school.
  7. I can play the guitar but can’t play the p                   .
  8. Can you h                    kids with swimming?
  9. Mary is a clerk. Her work s                 at 8:00 every morning.
  10. Tom was i                    yesterday, so he didn’t go to school.
  1. We want to join the basketball club.(对划线部分提问)
  ____  ____ do you want to join?
  2. He can play soccer. (改为否定句)
  He ____ play soccer.
  3. Peter can play basketball.(改为一般疑问句)
  ____ Peter ____ basketball?
  4. I go to see my uncle by plane.(就划线部分提问)
  ____  ____ you go to see your uncle?
  5. He spends half an hour watching TV every night.(改为同义句)
  ____  ____ him thirty minutes ____  ____ TV every night.
  quickly play talk do one’s homework join
  1. My brother likes _________ the violin.
  2. Li Hua had a _________ breakfast and then went to school.
  3. After dinner, Grace _________ .
  4. Why do you want to _________ the art club?
  5. Tom wants _________ to you. Are you free?
  ( ) 1. I usually going to bed after ten o’clock. ____
  A                 B                 C              D   ( ) 2. Do you want to join in the art club? ____
  A            B               C              D
  ( ) 3. What an interested movie it is! ____
  A    B        C                      D
  ( ) 4. It takes she about twenty-five minutes to get there. ____
   A     B                    C              D
  ( ) 5. What are they going to the countryside tomorrow, by
   A                       B                       C
   bike or on foot? ____
  ( ) 1. My sister is good ___ math. She is great.
  A. in B. at
  C. for   D. to
  ( ) 2. — Can you play volleyball?
  — Sorry, I ___ .
  A. don’t B. do
  C. can’t D. can
  ( ) 3. — Can you sing?
  — Yes, I can sing very ___ .
  A. good B. fine
  C. nice D. well
  ( ) 4. How does your father go to work, ___ foot or ___ bike?
  A. on; with B. with; on
  C. by; on D. on; by
  ( ) 5. Kate wants ___ the English club.
  A. to join B. join
  C. joining D. joins
  ( ) 6. — ___ does he get to school?
  — He walks to school.
  A. Where B. How
  C. Why D. Where
  ( ) 7. — Can your brother sing?
  — ___ .
  A. Yes, I can B. Yes, he can
  C. Yes, we can D. Yes, she can
  ( ) 8. Can he ___ it in English?
  A. say B. talk
  C. speak D. tell
  ( ) 9. — How long does it take?
  — ___ takes about 25 minutes.
  A. That B. This
  C. It D. They
  ( ) 10. — Is he good at ___ ?
  — Yes, he is.
  A. swim B. swimming
  C. to swim   D. swims
  Sam Scott and his sister Molly Scott are students. Sam goes to     1    school by bus, and Molly does, too. Some of     2
  friends walk to school. Sam and Molly    3    home at four o’clock in the afternoon. They    4    homework before dinner, and they watch TV after dinner. They go to    5    early.
  They usually    6    three meals a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. They have breakfast at home.    7    weekdays they have lunch    8    school. They often eat dinner at home. Mr Scott  comes home from    9    at five and the Scotts eat    10    at six.   ( ) 1. A. an B. the C. / D. a
  ( ) 2. A. your B. their C. our D. her
  ( ) 3. A. get to B. gets to C. gets D. get
  ( ) 4. A. do B. have C. finish D. make
  ( ) 5. A. school B. bed C. work D. swim
  ( ) 6. A. make B. have C. want D. show
  ( ) 7. A. In B. At C. On D. From
  ( ) 8. A. at B. on C. after D. to
  ( ) 9. A. car B. home C. class D. work
  ( ) 10. A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner D. meal
  Mike works very long hours every day. He usually gets up at 17:00. He has a shower and makes his breakfast. What a funny time to make breakfast! After breakfast he practices his guitar, then he puts on his jacket and goes to work. To get to work, he takes the number 17 bus to the Star Hotel. The bus usually leaves at 19:15. He works all night. People love to listen to him! He gets home at 7:00, and he watches the early morning news on TV. He goes to bed at 8:30, a tired but happy man. Can you think what his job is?
  ( ) 1. How long does Mike work?
  A. 6 hours. B. 7 hours.
  C. 8 hours. D. All night.
  ( ) 2. What does Mike usually do after he gets up?
  A. He goes out. B. He takes a shower.
  C. He works. D. He plays the guitar.
  ( ) 3. What does Mike do after breakfast?
  A. He has a walk. B. He goes to work.
  C. He puts on his clothes. D. He practices his guitar.
  ( ) 4. What is Mike?
  A. A worker. B. A singer.
  C. A writer. D. A teacher.
  ( ) 5. How does Mike go to work?
  A. By car. B. By bikes.
  C. By bus. D. On foot.
  In many English homes people eat four meals a day. They have breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning. They eat porridge (粥), eggs or bread and drink tea or coffee at breakfast. Lunch comes at one o’clock. Afternoon tea is from four to five in the afternoon and dinner is about half past seven. First they have soup. Then they have meat or fish with vegetables. After that, they eat some other things, like bananas, apples or oranges. But not all English people eat like that. Some of them have their dinner in the middle of the day. And some of their meals are very simple.
  ( ) 6. How many meals do many English people have a day?
  A. Two.   B. Three.
  C. Four.   D. Five.
  ( ) 7. What do English people usually have for their breakfast?
  A. Tea and eggs.   B. Hamburgers and tea.
  C. Eggs and fish. D. Coffee and salad.
  ( ) 8. When do English people usually have lunch?
  A. At 13:00. B. At 12:00.
  C. At 11:00. D. At 10:00.
  ( ) 9. What don’t English people usually have for their dinner?
  A. Bananas and apples. B. Soup and meat.
  C. Meat and fish. D. Porridge.
  ( ) 10. When do most Englishmen have dinner?
  A. At night. B. In the afternoon.
  C. In the evening. D. At noon.
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