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张×,男,71岁。右颌下肿物十年,逐渐肿大四、五年,阵发性刺痛一个半月。患病十年来未作过任何检查治疗。查体:体温36.8℃,脉搏68次/分,呼吸22次/分,血压19/11Kpa。发育正常,营养欠佳,一般体检未见异常。 右食指末节肿胀呈鼓锤状,暗紫色,指甲隆起,指尖顶端可见直径0.6cm蘑菇状凸起,表面有少许裂痕,压痛不明显,末节活动轻度受限。 颌面外科情况:右颌下区可见5×5×5cm大小肿块,结节状,皮肤颜色正常,质中等硬,基底活动差,按压痛。其后下方可触及两个小指肚大小活动淋 Zhang X, male, 71 years old. Right submandibular mass for 10 years, gradually swollen for four or five years, paroxysmal tingling for one and a half months. I haven’t had any checkup treatment for 10 years. Physical examination: body temperature 36.8°C, pulse 68 beats/min, breathing 22 beats/min, blood pressure 19/11 Kpa. Normal development, poor nutrition, no abnormal physical examination. The swelling of the right index finger in the distal segment was drum-shaped, dark purple, and the nail swelled. The tip of the fingertip showed a mushroom-shaped protrusion with a diameter of 0.6 cm. The surface had a few cracks, the tenderness was not obvious, and the distal segment activity was mildly limited. Maxillofacial surgery: In the right submandibular area, a mass of 5×5×5 cm in size was seen. The nodule-like, normal skin color, medium-hard mass, poor basal activity, and compression pain. Below the bottom two can touch the size of the activity of the little finger belly
福尔斯秉承英国小说表现自我、关注个体自由的传统 ,在《捕蝶者》中对人的自我本质以及个体的心灵进行了探索 ,不仅揭示了当代西方社会自我幽闭和灵魂扭曲的现状 ,而且深刻地
本文对杰克·伦敦小说中的男性意识所体现的阳刚之美进行了较为全面的分析。共分为“桀傲不驯的叛逆精神” ,“创造奇迹的自强精神”和“简洁有力的创作风格”三部分 ,揭示出
John Keats (1795 - 1821 ) is considered to be one of the most famous British romantic Poets in the 19th century. his major achievement is regarded as the sequen
王昭君的故事见于中国与日本的各种文学作品之中 ,而且以王昭君的故事为题材创作的中日作品多为悲剧 ,且都是以伦理意义作为悲剧的基础。但是日本的谣曲《王昭君》中由于加入
我院自1986年采用Seldinger法选择或超选择肝动脉化疗药物灌注及栓塞术治疗原发性肝细胞癌,转移癌及海绵状血管瘤等,获得了较好效果。现将护理操作及体验报告如下。 In 1986
我院从1978年2月至1988年12月,采用液氮冷冻治疗唇部肿瘤120例,其中唇癌100例,占83.3%。 临床资料 100例中,男78例,女22例,男女比为3.5:1。年龄最小38岁,最大89岁,平均63岁。
有人说,新生儿似乎只想着吃奶,心情不爽就哭,吃饱了就呼呼大睡, 而且是个大色盲、近视眼,你拿给他们什么他们也看不清楚。如果作为新手爸妈的你也这么想的话,那真是小瞧了他
本文对田纳西·威廉斯在《热铁皮屋顶上的猫》中所反映的生与死的主题进行了论述 ,揭示了工业化社会中生存的艰难与痛苦 This article discusses the themes of life and de