Analysis of writing strategies of EFL writers at the secondarylevel

来源 :校园英语·下旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ylg_lanxi
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  【Abstract】The present study reveals differences in writing strategies among secondary EFL (English as a foreign language) writers by investigating the relationship between the writing strategies and EFL writers’ language proficiency, gender and writing quality. Data was collected from 97 secondary EFL writers from three provinces in China by questionnaire. Data revealed that secondary students used most the compensation strategies while used least the social strategies but no significant difference was found between writing strategies and language proficiency. Females significantly adopt more compensation strategies than males. In addition, results also indicated that writers who produced high quality essays used more cognitive strategies than writers who don’t.
  【Key words】writing strategies; EFL writers; secondary education
  1. Background of the study
  EFL writing strategies have been the important topics in linguistics. In China, however, researches on English writing strategies are in the initial stage (Wen, 2004). Additionally, English education in China neglects the cultivation of writing strategies (Tan, 2019), which causes students’ ignorance of learning techniques for improving writing scores. However, foreign research on the relationship between writing strategies and writing proficiency has shown that writing strategies are closely related to writing proficiency (Chien, 2012; Rui et al., 2014; Sasaki, 2002; Victori, 1999). Thus, it is of vital importance to study EFL writing strategies in China. This study aims to reveal the relationship between writing strategies and language proficiency, gender and writing quality in EFL secondary writing.
  Based on the Oxford (1990)’s language learning strategy scale (SILL) and the Petic and Czarl’s writing strategy questionnaire, the present study compiles the questionnaire for the secondary EFL writing strategies. The following three research questions were addressed:
  (1) What is the relationship between EFL writing strategies and language proficiency assessed by grade ( Junior high school and Senior high school) ?
  (2) Is there a significant difference in EFL writing strategies between males and females?
  (3) What is the relationship between EFL writing strategies and writing quality evaluated by English writing scores?
  2. Research Design
  (1) Measures
  The questionnaire consisted of the basic information of the students and three-part writing strategies, pre-writing, while-writing and post-writing strategies. In total, it covered six aspects, memory, cognitive, compensation, meta-cognitive, emotional and social strategies respectively. Five-point scale was used in which 1 refers to never, 2 for seldom, 3 for sometimes, 4 for often, 5 for always. Reliability analysis was conducted on the questionnaire (see Table 1. below). It showed that the questionnaire on writing strategies had high internal consistency.   Table 1. The reliability of the questionnaire
  Writing strategies Cronbach’s Alpha
  Compensation strategies 0.767
  Memory strategies 0.606
  Emotional strategies 0.880
  Cognitive strategies 0.934
  Social strategies 0.850
  Meta-cognitive strategies 0.875
  The whole writing strategies 0.980
  The present study targeted at 34 junior high school students and 63 senior high school students including 51 males and 46 females from Shandong, Hebei, and Tianjin. A total of 97 effective questionnaires were received.
  The online questionnaire was sent to students and was collected within 10 minutes.
【摘要】本研究通过语音实验学研究方法,探析江淮方言区大学生英语音段习得的情况。结果发现,母语方言对大学生英语音段习得具有一定的影响。通过研究希望能为今后英语音段教学和学习提出相关建议。  【关键词】江淮方言区;大学生;音段习得  一、引言  江淮方言区主要分布于安徽江苏两省的长江以北地区(徐州蚌埠一带属北方方言区,除外)和长江以南九江以东镇江以西沿江地带。Odlin(1989)提出语言迁移通常分为
【摘要】高中生自主学习能力的培养,对于学生的长远发展有着非常大的好处。在英语相关知识点的自主学习上,学生需要养成良好的学习习惯,通过自主学习学生能够非常有效地提高课堂学习效率,拓宽自己的视野。本文对高中生自主学习英语的策略进行简要分析。  【关键词】高中生;自主学习;英语  【作者简介】高梓涵,女,保定市第三中学高三年级1513班。  高中生自主學习能力的培养,能够帮助高中生在学习当中得到更多的知
【摘要】正译和反译是译者应熟练掌握的两种常见翻译技巧。短句是指字数简短,语言逻辑简单的句子,在短句翻译中,最常用到的翻译技巧就是正译与反译。本文通过对比分析短句翻译中的正译与反译,从具体实例中分析了这两种翻译技巧在不同场合下的使用情况,以期帮助翻译人员更灵活的处理短句翻译。  【关键词】短句翻译;正译;反译;翻译技巧  一、引言  “正译”一词,最早出现于清朝魏象乾的《繙清说》一书中。书中提出了“
【摘要】在现代社会生活和工作中,应用文写作的重要性日益显现,目前高考全国卷的书面表达基本以应用文为主,但现在应用文的写作在高中写作教学中普遍存在以练代教,重结构,轻内容的问题。本文就应用文写作在高中写作教学中的特点和相应的教学措施进行了分析和探讨。  【关键词】应用文写作;教学;方法  引言  在长期的社会实践活动中,人们形成的一种实用性文体就是应用文,是在社会交往及工作中,人们不可或缺的重要写作
【摘要】高中英语教学过程中,学案导学模式在其中的合理利用,不僅可以创新教学理念,而且还可以打破传统教学模式的局限性和单一性,对学生们的学习成绩提升而言,具有实质性意义。本文针学案导学模式在高中英语教学中的具体应用情况进行分析,为学生们的英语成绩提升提供有效保障。  【关键词】学案导学;高中英语;英语教学;应用措施  【作者简介】傅艳萍,福建省仙游县榜头中学。  基础教育课程的改革进程一直在不断加快
【摘要】小学英语教学中开展绘本阅读有助于提高学生的英语阅读兴趣,促进学生英语阅读能力的发展。绘本阅读课的教学设计可以从阅读前活动、阅读中活动和延伸活动三个环节进行,优化课堂教学效率,促进学生思维能力和语言应用能力的培养。  【关键词】小学英语;绘本;教学设计  小学英语绘本的语言原汁原味,内容丰富,图画形象生动,内容丰富活泼,能极大程度地激发学生的学习兴趣,使他们在掌握阅读策略和了解篇章结构后,又
【摘要】积极性是孩子学习的关键动力,由于农村地区的教育相对落后,很少有孩子主动意识到英语学习的重要性,学生接触不到英语学习的大环境,他们的学习意识主要来自课堂。综合运用多种教学方法和模式,陈述英语学习兴趣在孩子心中的重要性,融洽的师生关系和积极的课堂氛围是关键因素,以引导孩子培养学习积极性。  【关键词】英语学习;农村学生;学习兴趣  【作者简介】王筱琲,南京理工大学紫金学院。  引言  当前我国
【摘要】在改革开放后期教育事业作为国中重中之重对待着,教育事业的成功也就代表著国富民强。教育事业的起步,给予了高中英语教学的改革提供了全新的契机,在创新课堂教学活动中运用着开放性的思维模式,激发学生对于英语学习的兴趣,能够大幅地提高当代学生对于英语学习的热潮。  【关键词】开放性的教学思维;高中英语;课堂教学;教学模式  在开放式的教学中,开放学生的学习思维,提高学生学习的兴趣,提高英语课堂教学活
【摘要】小学英语的学习是十分重要的。小学是打基础的阶段,基础是否打好对于以后学习的影响是十分大的。而阅读又是小学学习英语的一个重要部分,英语是小学生之前没有接触过的科目,因此在刚开始学习时学生都会感到好奇,教师要把握好小学生的这一心理特点,将学生的阅读兴趣提高,这样也能够提高学生的英语水平。  【关键词】互动;小学;英语;阅读;教学  前言  随着社会的不断进步,科技的高速发展,英语的教学也已经越
【摘要】新课程改革对初中英语口语教学提出了新的要求,即要加强学生英语口语能力的培养。然而,传统的教学模式过于注重教师的地位,学生处于被动被动知识的状态,不利于学生英语口语能力的培养、综合素质的提升,所以教师应采用小组合作学习方式,通过小组成员的互相沟通、共同探讨,激发学生学习兴趣,丰富学生学习体验。本文主要就小组合作在初中英语口语教学中的应用进行了分析与探讨。  【关键词】小组合作;初中英语;口语