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目的了解深圳市流动人口的社区卫生服务需求、利用与供给情况,探讨适合于流动人口的社区卫生服务有效提供模式及健康保障机制。方法将定量研究与定性研究相结合,在分析研究近年来国内外流动人口卫生服务的基础上,进一步通过对流动人口分层抽样,调查深圳市流动人口的卫生服务需求、利用及社区卫生服务提供的现状。结果流动人口在社区卫生服务利用中处于弱势地位,需求较高,而利用较低。流动人口的两周患病率为19·1%,41·4%不知道社康中心,87·6%不知道社康中心联系电话。7·7%在社康中心建立健康档案,1·5%与社康中心签订了保健合同。结论应积极转变观念,强化政府行为,以需方为导向,探索适合于流动人口的社区卫生服务模式。 Objective To understand the needs, utilization, and supply of community health services for floating population in Shenzhen City, and to explore the effective delivery model and health protection mechanism for community health services suitable for floating population. Methods Combining quantitative research with qualitative research, based on the analysis of the health services of the floating population at home and abroad in recent years, and further sampling the floating population to investigate the health service needs, utilization, and community health services provided by the floating population in Shenzhen City. The status quo. As a result, the floating population is in a weak position in the use of community health services, with high demand and low utilization. The two-week prevalence rate of the floating population was 19.1%, 41.4% did not know the community health center, and 87.6% did not know the contact information of the community health center. 7.7% of them established health records at the community health center, and 1.5% signed a health care contract with the community health center. Conclusion It is necessary to actively change concepts, strengthen government actions, and take demand-side guidance to explore community health service models suitable for migrants.
辣椒疫病是由鞭毛菌亚门的辣椒疫霉菌(Phytophthora capsici)侵染所引起,近几年在我省及长江流域大量发生。1989年由于长江流域早春温度偏高,早夏温度偏低,入梅较早,导致辣
目的研究彩色多普勒超声联合血清肿瘤标记物糖蛋白抗原(CA)125及CA199对卵巢癌的诊断价值。方法 176例卵巢肿瘤患者,将其依据肿瘤良、恶性划分为A组150例和B组26例,比较两组C
近年来许多心脑血管病患者和一部分中老年人,都在服用阿司匹林。阿司匹林成了心血管科、老年病科最常用的药物之一。 适时适当服用阿司匹林,确实能给心脑血管病人带来益处,