Development of 2BZJ-3/4 Precision Planter for Soybean Narrow-row flatdense Planting Method

来源 :Journal of Northeast Agricultural University(English Edition | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qinchuanhedian
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Based on the study on cultivation models of soybean narrow-row-flat-dense planting under the conditions of different between-row spacing and inter-plant spacing by using the comparison field experiment,and technical studies of the contour following the seeder unit,the anti-block,the lateral and stratified the deep fertilizing,according to the design ideas of planting units integration and variable between-row spacing from 30 to 45 cm,the 2BZJ-3/4 precision planter matched with 18-32 hp tractors has been developed for the popularization of the narrow-row-flat-dense planting soybean technique by means of Virtual Prototyping(VP) technology. Based on the study on cultivation models of soybean narrow-row-flat-dense planting under the conditions of different between-row spacing and inter-plant spacing by using the comparison field experiment, and technical studies of the contour following the seeder unit, the anti-block, the lateral and stratified the deep fertilizing, according to the design ideas of planting units integration and variable between-row spacing from 30 to 45 cm, the 2BZJ-3/4 precision planter matched with 18-32 hp tractors has been developed for the popularization of the narrow-row-flat-dense planting soybean technique by means of Virtual Prototyping (VP) technology.
[摘 要] 爱作为一种情感,从以前到现在,都被看作是高尚的。我们认为,教育一个人的关键在于教育他的内心,而教育他学会去爱又是教育内心的基础。是教育体制中极为重要的一项工作。然而,一个缺失爱心的人他无法去培育别人的爱心,爱心必须要内心有爱的人去培育。鲁迅曾经说过一句话:“我国的教育是以爱为基础的。”用爱灌注教育雏芽,生长出来的即是充满着爱意的花蕾。苏霍姆林斯基宣扬与鲁迅在此方面有着异曲同工之
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