How does data journalism influence our life

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  Data journalism, also named data-driven journalism, is the convergence of traditional journalism industry and information technology. In this Web 3.0 era, the ways of using data become flexible and diverse, which makes journalism give birth to brand new reporting style. With the popularization of internet and mobile terminals, ordinary people, who used to contact much traditional journalism, are now likely to be immersed in data journalism, thus being significantly influenced.
  The information people accepted is dynamic instead of static.
  Browsing newspapers and magazines, or opening a news app in the phone, we can easily be informed of “what happened at some moment”. However, to have clear and comprehensive understanding of a specific event, knowing the process is essential. In the past, to establish a process model, people plunged into newspapers and periodicals, searching fragmented and static news, which was very complicated and inconvenient. Nowadays, data journalism provides people with websites that have motion charts containing information during a specific period of time instead of at a fixed time. A case in point is a report about Arab Spring in the website of the Guardian. Viewers can drag the time axis, click the labels and select areas with mouse and thus watching corresponding news as well as related links emerge in the motion chart. Obviously, such dynamic reporting way provides readers with more information and leaves a deeper impression than plain text and static pictures do.
  Data journalism can even portray the process that people are not aware of. As information explodes, rumors frequently occur in internet. For instance, “retrograding female driver hit the bus in Chongqing”, “a take-out deliverer cried for stolen food”. Usually, people think refutations need relatively long time to appear. However, contrary to common sense, data journalism, based on accurate data analyses, proves that rumor-against information occurs soon after the wrong message released. Through visual dynamic graph, data journalism makes a difference in helping people figure out obscure processes.
  Since a certain process contains abundant information and clues, data journalism can provide more accurate predictions. During the national holiday in 2013, in Sichuan province, Jiuzhaigou retained a large number of tourists. Nowadays such large-scale retentions can be avoided because data journalism, according to the big data in this respect, can report in advance in which specific time period, how many people from which places to Jiuzhaigou. As data journalism fuses with financial news, entertainment news, as well as medical news, people immersed in them are able to forecast financial market, booking office and the spread of epidemics. Powerful forecasting functions brought by big data absolutely make today’s news more valuable and more advisable.   Journalism employment has tremendous variation.
  In big data era, flourishing data news demands journalists become inter-disciplinary talents. Not only do they need the skills that traditional journalists have, but also have to master data gathering, data analyzing, data manipulating, as well as data visualizing. Such a tendency gives birth to great opportunities but disturbs some individuals.
  The premise of obtaining abilities mentioned above is to have adequate “data thinking”, which belongs to scientific thinking. Consequently, graduates of science and engineering specialty, who have data thinking potential, are on the great march to journalism industry. Such circumstance was rare before big data era when journalism industry is mainly occupied with individuals majoring liberal arts.
  However, to some degree, graduates majoring in journalism are overwhelmed by booming data news. Most universities and colleges don’t open course about data for students majoring in journalism. Since data journalism lays more emphases on data processing, those graduates seem hard to get the upper hand in practical work. Some professors teaching journalism realized such problems, advising their students to cultivate “data thinking” and expand knowledge about other subjects, instead of only studying traditional journalism skills.
  In short, thriving data journalism greatly increases the job competition in the news industry. In pace with this, outstanding talents coming out from fierce competition will surge into journalism industry.
  Public interests are better defended.
  During 2012 to 2018, 77 works won Data Journalism Award. Among them, 21 works concentrate on politics, with particular emphasis on political elections and political transparency. 10 works are crime-themed and 9 works lay emphasis on society. These reports reveal the hidden harm to public interests behind the social structure, or show loopholes in the rule of law in violent crimes and economic crimes, aiming at exposing contradictions to arouse social concern and promoting the state to improve or make up for the legal protection of public order and public interests.
  Though traditional journalism never ceases defending public interests, it can’t provide concrete evidence like concise statistics, on which data news is based. Data news relies on mature information processing technology to guarantee the accumulation and analysis of factual data. It breaks the attention cycle of traditional news, achieving long-term tracking, which effectively maintains the attention of social issues. For instance, in 2014, many immigrants seeking refuge in Europe died. Most media didn’t pay attention to the problem until a massive immigration tragedy caused them to organize the whole long news cycle, which was inefficient and time-consuming, while some data news Data news created a comprehensive and reliable database on migrant deaths and continued to track European immigration policies, thus prompting the solution of the problem immediately.   Journalism ethics is being challenged.
  Each coin has two sides. Despite remarkable benefits, data journalism increases two kinds of infringement risks.
  Right of privacy is more likely to be infringed. To offer personalized news, data journalism inevitably searches for readers’ relatively private information. News producers can obtain these data through mining, exchanging or purchasing, and even make them into public news. Though a majority of people are reluctant to open their private data to the public, news organizations can make use of the information without permission of readers. The typical event illustrating this problem is that Facebook, a rally point of data news, has revealed 50 millions users’ private data in the past few years.
  Flourishing data news also puts threat to the copyright of journalism works. Some news aggregation platforms, produce data news through collecting, re-editing, composing or decomposing, and then directionally push them to the public. In this process, these platforms often steal directly, or infringe the copyright of the original news works by jumping links or blurring the origin deliberately. Such platforms, like Headlines Today, don’t produce news itself at all, making other source media become their “free workers”.
  Data journalism is a double-edged sword, contributing to thriving of data epoch, also threatening status quo. Living in the new environment brought by data journalism, every individual ought to cultivate data literacy and bear basic ethics of journalism in mind.
【摘要】阅读是获取知识的源泉,随着社会的发展和科技信息技术的进步,出现了一些新的英语词汇教学模式,在一定的程度了为初中英语阅读词汇习得提供了有效的帮助。这些习得模式不仅符合当代语言学习理论,还为英语词汇学习提供了许多启示。本文就提升初中英语阅读中词汇教学的策略。  【关键词】大数据时代;英语词汇习得;模式;分析  【作者简介】王宝合,会宁县甘沟中学。  为了有效的提升初中学生阅读学习能力,必须针对
【摘要】思维能力是英语学科核心素养的重要内容。 本文通过高中英语阅读课的教学设计、课堂提问、课堂活动等方面,探索如何在高中英语阅读教学中培养学生的思维品质。  【关键词】高中英语;阅读教学;思维品质;策略  【作者简介】陈梅,江苏省高淳高级中学。  一、高中英语阅读教学培养学生思维品质的重要性  思维品质是思维在逻辑性、批判性、创造性等方面表现出的能力和水平,体现了核心素养的心智特征。由此可见,培
【摘要】本文主要针对多媒体技术在小学英语教学中的应用,对努力打造高效小学英语教学课堂进行分析,结合当前小学英语教学现状,以英语教学中多媒体的应用等方面为出发点,积极从多媒体教学手段对英语课堂教学的重要意义、具体应用以及高效课堂的实现等方面进行深入探索以及研究,主要目的在于更好地提高小学英语课堂教学效率,不断增强多媒体在小学英语教学中的应用,进一步打造更加理想的小学英语高效课堂。  【关键词】小学英
【摘要】基于社会对高素质应用型医学人才需求的分析,对普通医学院校第二课堂实践进行探究。结果表明:以第二课堂促进高素质应用型医学人才可以有效的促使医学生全方面发展,提升自身能力,达到了预期目的。  【关键词】普通医学院校;第二课堂;实践  【作者简介】李娟,郭伟颖,贺冰月,黄芝,齐伟,包头医学院外语系。  【基金项目】内蒙古自治区高校外国语言教学与研究专项课题——内蒙古社会科学院科研项目2018年度
【摘要】词汇是语言的基础,掌握词汇的量在很大程度上决定了一个人的英语水平。词汇教学作为高中英语教学中重要的一部分受到越来越多学者和专家的重视。思维导图可以帮助学生把词汇进行分类,构建网状结构。在英语词汇教学的过程中运用思维导图不仅可以提高课堂的教学效率,同时学生在储存和使用词汇的过程中思路更加清晰。  【关键词】思维导图;高中英语教学;词汇  【作者简介】曲艺,广西师范大学外国语学院。  2017
【摘要】大学英语教学更加重视能力培养,对学生英语学习基础有一定要求,相较于已经接受系统学习的大学生,大学新生英语学习能力、方法相对滞后,尤其英语学习基础较为薄弱,无法助力学生尽快适应大学英语讲堂,影响大学英语教学成效,本文通过分析引导大学新生尽快适应大学英语教学的有效策略,以期提高大学英语教学质量。  【关键词】大学新生;大学英语;课堂教学  【作者简介】丁文杜鹃(1992.11-),女,广西南宁
一、引言  英语作业是英语教学的一个重要环节,它是英语课堂教学必要的延伸和补充,是学生将所学的知识用于实践、巩固知识的重要环节,既是学生巩固知识的重要手段,也是教师了解教学目标的落实情况以及学生知识和技能掌握情况的一条重要渠道,是培养学生综合语言运用能力的有效途径。新课标“倡导学生主动参与、乐于探究、勤于动手、培养学生搜集和处理信息的能力、获取新知识的能力、分析和解决问题的能力以及交流合作的能力。