
来源 :中国初级卫生保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:skyfox
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目的了解新疆伊犁州吸毒人群的社会人口学、艾滋病防治相关知识知晓率、吸毒毒品的种类、梅毒和HCV病毒的感染现状,为控制吸毒人群中艾滋病的流行、加强艾滋病防范对吸毒人群的连接,针对性采取预防控制措施,提高伊犁州艾滋病的防控效果。方法按《全国艾滋病哨点监测实施操作手册》要求,随机选取伊犁州戒毒所新羁押吸毒人678名进行问卷调查,并进行HIV/HCV/梅毒抗体检测。结果调查共收集问卷、采集血样678份,问卷有效率为100%;吸毒人群以男性为主,年龄集中在30~40岁年龄段,未婚和在婚的比例较大,大部分均为维吾尔族(72%),初中及以下文化程度者较多;伊宁市哨点吸毒人群对艾滋病相关知识知晓率较高;吸毒人群吸食毒品种类主要以海洛因为主,占69%;有注射史吸毒者中,29%共用注射器;目前吸毒者接受到艾滋病预防干预服务仍以“安全套宣传和发放/艾滋病咨询与检测”为主。本次调查检测HIV感染率为6.2%,梅毒阳性率为4.1%,丙肝阳性率为36.1%。结论伊犁州吸毒人群年轻、文化水平较低、流动性比较大,对自身存在感染艾滋病风险的认识非常薄弱。大多数吸毒者存在不安全性行为,提示吸毒人群具有感染和传播HIV、梅毒和HCV的高危因素。在今后的工作中要结合吸毒人群的特征开展各项有效的干预活动,对少数民族地区要普及艾滋病健康教育知识,深入推广清洁针具交换工作,在开展艾滋病自愿咨询检测服务时,推荐吸毒人员同时进行梅毒检测,在开展行为干预时要给予少数民族更多的关注。 Objectives To understand the socio-demographic characteristics of drug users in Yili Prefecture of Xinjiang, awareness of HIV / AIDS related knowledge, the types of drug addicts, the status of syphilis and HCV infection. To control the HIV / AIDS epidemic in drug addicts and HIV / AIDS prevention, Targeted measures for prevention and control to improve the prevention and control of AIDS in Yili Prefecture. Methods According to the “Operation Manual of National Sentinel Disease Surveillance and Control”, 678 new drug abusers in detention center of Yili were randomly selected to conduct questionnaire survey and HIV / HCV / syphilis antibody test. Results A total of 678 blood samples were collected and the questionnaire was 100% effective. The majority of drug addicts were men, with the age ranged from 30 to 40 years old. The proportion of unmarried and married women was mostly Uighur (72%), junior high school education and below are more; sentinel drug abusers in Yining City, higher awareness of AIDS-related knowledge; drug abusers drug abuse mainly heroin-based species, accounting for 69%; injection history drug addicts 29% share syringes. At present, HIV / AIDS prevention and intervention services for drug addicts are still dominated by “condom promotion and issuance / AIDS counseling and testing”. The survey detected HIV infection rate was 6.2%, syphilis positive rate was 4.1%, hepatitis C positive rate was 36.1%. Conclusion The population of drug abusers in Yili Prefecture is young, with a low level of education and relatively high liquidity, and their awareness of their own risk of HIV infection is very weak. The majority of drug addicts have unsafe sex and suggest that drug users have a high risk of contracting and transmitting HIV, syphilis and HCV. In the future, we should carry out effective interventions based on the characteristics of drug addicts, popularize AIDS health education knowledge in ethnic minority areas, promote the exchange of clean needles, and recommend drug addicts when conducting AIDS voluntary counseling and testing services At the same time, syphilis testing should be given more attention to ethnic minorities when carrying out behavioral interventions.
脓毒症(Sepsis)是感染、休克、创伤等临床急危重患者的严重并发症之一,是由感染因素引起的全身炎症反应综合征(SIRS),也是诱发脓毒性休克(septic shock)、多器官功能障碍综合征
“契约———诚信”教育与“平等———民主”教育、“尊重个人———社会合作”教育一起 ,共同构成新时期新道德教育的基础。实施“诚信”教育应遵循下列原则与方法 :既要关