荷花,又名莲花、水芙蓉等,古称芙蓉、菡萏(han dan)(注:古人称未开的荷花为菡萏,即花苞)、芙蕖(fu qu)等,也有凌波仙子、水中芙蓉、水宫仙子等美誉。荷花花朵艳丽,清香远溢,碧叶翠盖。在中国人心中,荷花代表着圣洁,代表着清白,是品德高尚的花。“出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖”(周敦颐《爱莲说》),荷花坚贞、纯洁、无邪、清正,低调中尽高雅。因此,从古至今,荷花也成为众多文人墨客笔下不可缺少的吟咏对象。
Lotus, also known as lotus, water hibiscus, etc., said the ancient Furong, 菡 萏 (Note: the ancients said the lotus is not open, that bud), Fu) (fu qu), there are Ling Po fairy, , Water palace fairy and other fame. Lotus flowers gorgeous, fragrance far overflow, green leaf covered Cui. In the hearts of the Chinese people, the lotus represents holiness and represents innocence, which is a noble flower. “Out of the mud without staining, 濯 Qing Lian instead of demon ” (Zhou Dunyi “Ailian said”), Lotus faithful, pure, innocent, pure, low-key in the elegant. Therefore, from ancient times, lotus has become an indispensable chant for many literati.