
来源 :小学生作文辅导(上旬) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:andacaizheng
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小学语文是小学课程中重要的一门基础课程,是让小学生受母语熏陶的第一课,是传承中华民族文化的重要方式,而在小学语文中,写作是小学生语言表达能力的表现。然而,写作成为小学语文教学中的难点,在小学语文中,小学生由于是第一次接触写作,他们对如何写作、该怎么写一无所知,更因为知识的匮乏,让他们在写作上面不像其他学习一样轻松。语文功底差、观察力不强、语言组织能力欠缺等等,导致小学生在写作上寸步难行。但写作能力的培养不同于其他知识,不能靠死记硬背就能掌握,这就需要小学语文老师细心引导,鼓励学生学会观察生活,不断丰富自己心中的感悟,使学生写作起来能够言之有物。 Primary school language is an important basic course in elementary school curriculum. It is the first lesson that primary school students are influenced by their mother tongue. It is an important way to inherit Chinese culture. In primary school Chinese, writing is the expression of primary school students’ language skills. However, writing has become a difficulty in Chinese teaching in primary schools. Because primary school students are the first to contact with writing in primary school, they are ignorant of how to write or how to write. Moreover, because of their lack of knowledge, they are not allowed to write As easy as any other study. Poor language skills, observation is not strong, lack of language skills, etc., leading pupils in writing difficult to do. However, the cultivation of writing ability is different from other knowledge and can not be mastered by rote learning. This requires careful guidance of primary language teachers, encourage students to learn to observe life, and constantly enrich their own feelings, so that students can write something that can be considered something .
本文简述了国外化学战剂远距离监测系统的进展情况以及发展趋势。 This article briefly describes the progress and trend of foreign chemical warfare agent remote mon
在过去30个月里,我们以手术切除加上术中术后使用丝裂霉素C治疗了复发性翼状胬肉23例,所用的丝裂霉素C浓度为0.0285%,手术中用浸润棉片,贴置胬肉下方巩膜面5分钟,然后以100ml NS充分冲洗,手术后第六天开始0.0285%丝裂霉素C溶液滴眼,每天2次,连续7天,其中2例发生了巩膜坏死,3例发生了局部结膜、巩膜表面无血管.2例巩膜坏死患者为眼眶深凹,滴眼药水不易流失的患者;另1例为在外地作胬
一、多项选择  1. You may_________ it that he will turn up and offer help in time.  A. decide on B. depend on  C. answer for D. see to  2. Just as he went out of the supermarket, he was stopped and_________
一、多项选择  1. That would enable the farmers to double their_________ of their rice and cotton every year.  A. nutrition B. shade  C. output D. bond  2. The teacher made a (n)_________ of the main points