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  Tammy: Another one? Yikes!
  Shane: It’s another one of those stupid meetings again, isn’t it?
  Tammy: Can you believe it? ①It’s becoming an everyday occurrence. Don’t they realize what a waste of time it is?
  Shane: Obviously not, or they wouldn’t keep scheduling them.
  Tammy: And why do they always have to be right as we’re heading out the door?
  Shane: Well, that’s easy. They do it because it’s a way to make us stay late without having to pay us overtime.
  Tammy: Oh my God, you’re right! That’s so sneaky! How can they get away with it?
  Shane: Oh, the usual employment loopholes and other ways around labor laws. It’s actually common practice.
  Tammy: Well, I’m fed up. This is just one in a line of thousands of meetings we’ve had over the years, about something that could just as easily be explained through an email chain. I mean, it makes no sense. Why waste company resources and employees’ time and energy with pointless daily meetings? ②It’s probably why we’ve been in the red for years now.
  Shane: No, we’ve been losing money due to a lack of innovation. Basically, we’re behind the times.
  Tammy: Alright. But while it may not be the cause of our company’s downfall, it’s certainly not helping matters. And I think all the excessive meetings have caused me to contract a mild case of Meeting 1)Affective Disorder.
  Shane: That just sounds like an excuse to get out of a meeting.
  Tammy: Well, you’re wrong. It’s a real condition, and it affects millions of people across the globe.
  Shane: So, tell me about it.
  Tammy: OK. Well, it starts with a general malaise, feeling a bit drowsy and pretty much out of it. Then, as it progresses, I start to imagine myself in the third person, sort of an out-ofbody experience.
  S h a n e : S o u n d s l i k e daydreaming to me.
  Tammy: That’s cuz you love to oversimplify everything. The fact is that, much like Seasonal Affective Disorder, which many people originally 2)scoffed at as nonsense, this Meeting Affective Disorder is indeed an actual 3)ailment. You see, an affective disorder can have a serious effect on someone’s mood. ③So much so, that it’s even been known to lead to serious bouts of depression and even occasional suicide.
  Shane: So you’re saying that boring meetings can lead people to kill themselves?
  Tammy: What I’m saying is that anything from the weather to a meeting can have a huge impact on people’s state of mind.   And these meetings make it hard for me to stay positive, because all I feel when I’m at the meetings is depressed.
  Shane: Oh. I had no idea it was that bad. In that case, why not head on home and I’ll cover for you, alright? I’ll tell ’em you had some…personal business to take care of.
  Tammy: Thanks Shane, I appreciate it. I’ll see you tomorrow.
  Shane: See ya. And get some rest, will ya?
  Tammy: Well, I was gonna take a nice nap in the meeting, but I guess I’ll just curl up for one at home instead.
  Shane: That’s the whole idea!
  Smart Sentences
  ① It’s becoming an everyday occurrence. 这样的会议要变成家常便饭了。
  everyday occurrence: sth. happens all the time(常事,家常便饭)。例如:
  Not until customers’ complaints became an everyday occurrence did the management realize that the problem was so bad.
  ② It’s probably why we’ve been in the red for years now.也许这就是我们公司这些年来财政赤字的罪魁祸首吧。
  in the red: when a person or a business spends more money than they have(赤字,亏欠)。例如:
  Because of a series of typhoons, the flower shop was 5,000 dollars in the red.
  ③ So much so, that it’s even been known to lead to serious bouts of depression and even occasional suicide. 它还会引发严重的消极情绪,甚至会间歇性产生自杀的念头。
  so much so: used to indicate you believe sth. to such a great extent that the following statement comes as a result(你对某事非常相信或肯定,以致有以下的结果)。例如:
  The hallway was clustered with used boxes and old computer monitors. So much so that people had to walk sideways.

摘 要:课外活动是课堂教学的重要补充,它有利于增长知识、开阔视野、培养能力、发展智力,比课堂教学更具灵活性,更有助于培养学生的兴趣和发挥他们的爱好和特长。本文将从提高英语课外活动的实效性和策略上加以探讨,实现课堂、课内外教学的完美结合,实现学生语言综合运用能力的提升。  关键词:英语课外活动;英语学习力;有效性;策略  随着社会生活的信息化和经济的全球化,英语以其广泛的通用性受到人们的高度重视。新
摘 要:“学习共同体”以其固有的特点与英语写作课堂教学相结合,不仅能促进各种相关学习资源的合理利用,促进学生对英语写作知识的系统理解,还能有效地为学生提供一个相互交流的平台,提高学生的写作信心和热情。  关键词:“学习共同体”;初中英语写作教学;策略;實践  1.初中英语写作教学陷入瓶颈  传统的写作教学多为以学生听讲和记忆为主的被动式学习方式,难以培养学生自主、合作、探究的学习精神,也难以提高学
摘 要:在新课改形式下,英语教学过程融入信息技术,渗透游戏趣味教学,有助于激发学生学习兴趣,培养学习主动性。小学英语教师应当根据小学生个性特点,加强教学引导,在游戏任务完成中,培养小学生对语言的应用能力以及实践能力,实现教学目标,促进学生英语能力的提升。另一方面,教师在对游戏的设计中,要遵循学习客观规律,任务符合学生成长特点、认知水平,促使学生在快乐中学习知识。游戏教学作为一种寓教于乐的教学形式,
早在古埃及时期,人们就开始涂抹指甲了;在我国唐朝也出现了染甲的风尚。到如今,美甲早已不仅仅限于涂染颜色了,什么法式、3D、雕花、水晶……款式可谓五花八门。某人气偶像就曾说过:如果没有涂好指甲出门,就像全身被人剥光了似的。这种说法未免过于夸张,但和自身打扮、气质相配的甲艺设计确实可以为女孩子的美丽加分哦。  只需几下你就能涂刷出真正时髦的美甲。  You can create a really 1)
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接招合唱团(Take That)是1990年创立的英格兰男子流行演唱组合,于1996年宣布解散,总共售出1900万张唱片。2005年又宣布重新组合复出。它被英国广播公司誉为“披头士”之后最受欢迎的英国乐队。作为老牌英伦摇滚乐团,Take That以三人团队形式在2014年11月发行第七张录音室专辑《III》。虽然Robbie Williams和Jason Orange已经离队,但乐团魅力丝毫未减。
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支票是在信用卡诞生之前就存在的一种支付方式。大多数美国人收到水电费账单的时候,一般在信封里夹一张支票寄回给电力和自来水公司。在没有信用卡、没有网上付费的时代,个人支票可以说是唯一方便的付款方式。然而个人支票在中国并不普及,那我们来看看在美国,个人支票在银行卡、个人电子支付盛行时代的兴衰存亡。  It may be strange to Chinese people, writing a check
Negative images  Light bulb jokes are an example of satire[讽刺], and are funny when the audience agrees with the stereotypes used in them; and like most stereotypes, they’re usually negative.  How many
铁路和火车在人类历史上有着非常重要的地位。古希腊是第一个拥有路轨运输的国家,至少两千年前已有马拉的车沿着轨道运行。1804年,理查·特尔维域克在英国威尔士发明了第一台能在铁轨上前进的蒸汽机车。19世纪20年代,英格兰的史托顿与达灵顿铁路成为第一条成功的蒸汽火车铁路。铁路和火车也为语言文字做了很大的贡献,本期《小词大义》,我们来了解一下跟铁路和火车有关的英语短语。  Today we talk ab