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  Negative images
  Light bulb jokes are an example of satire[讽刺], and are funny when the audience agrees with the stereotypes used in them; and like most stereotypes, they’re usually negative.
  How many plumbers does it take to change a light bulb?
  Three: One to come to your house the day before, when you’re out; one to change the switch; and one to bring along the wrong type of bulb.
  If you’ve ever been disappointed by a workman when you really needed one, you might argue that the joke seems accurate.
  Shared opinion
  Sometimes the stereotype used is one that fewer people have had direct experience with and relies on a shared opinion. Here we have a joke based on the belief that psychiatrists[精神病学家] just say the same things to everyone, and don’t give any help.
  How many psychiatrists does it take to change a light bulb?
  Only one, but the light bulb must want to change.
  Any group
  Light bulb jokes, and satire in general, don’t just stick to jokes, though. They can make fun of any well-known group.
  How many teenage girls does it take to change a light bulb?
  One, but she’ll be on the phone for five hours telling all her friends about it.
  But how do you feel if you are a teenage girl reading this? Or a plumber? Or a psychiatrist? Satirical jokes are sometimes used to encourage negative attitudes towards groups of people, so listen carefully to the opening line before you join in the laughter.
  On the other hand, they can be positive, or at least neutral[中立的], like this one, which is based on some clever wordplay[字句的争论], and is just cute.
  How many babysitters does it take to change a light bulb?
  None. They don’t make nappies small enough. Can you imagine a light bulb in a nappy?
摘 要:德国著名诗人及剧作家席勒曾说过:“从美的事物中找到美,就是教育的任务。”而真正好的教育首先应该让孩子感受到美。本文结合教学实践分析了小学英语课堂“美感”培养的具体方法。  关键词:小学英语课堂“美感”;培养方法  德国著名诗人及剧作家席勒曾说过:“从美的事物中找到美,就是教育的任务。”傅国涌老师也说:“教育就是与美相遇,从某种意义而言,教育就是让人类生活在美中,活得更美。而真正好的教育首先
摘 要:情感导入在学习中起着非常重要的作用,积极的情感能够拨动学生的心弦,课堂教学中,教师应尽可能地进行情感导入,重视情感教育,使学生产生轻松、愉快、喜悦、张弛有度的积极情感体验。  关键词:初中英语;课堂教学;情感导入  情感导入在学习中起着非常重要的作用,积极的情感能够拨动学生的心弦,我们要从情绪引导、内容学习、教学手段、作业设计的各个教学环节中融入情感教育,优化教学效果,改善学习心态,挖掘学
摘 要:课外活动是课堂教学的重要补充,它有利于增长知识、开阔视野、培养能力、发展智力,比课堂教学更具灵活性,更有助于培养学生的兴趣和发挥他们的爱好和特长。本文将从提高英语课外活动的实效性和策略上加以探讨,实现课堂、课内外教学的完美结合,实现学生语言综合运用能力的提升。  关键词:英语课外活动;英语学习力;有效性;策略  随着社会生活的信息化和经济的全球化,英语以其广泛的通用性受到人们的高度重视。新
摘 要:“学习共同体”以其固有的特点与英语写作课堂教学相结合,不仅能促进各种相关学习资源的合理利用,促进学生对英语写作知识的系统理解,还能有效地为学生提供一个相互交流的平台,提高学生的写作信心和热情。  关键词:“学习共同体”;初中英语写作教学;策略;實践  1.初中英语写作教学陷入瓶颈  传统的写作教学多为以学生听讲和记忆为主的被动式学习方式,难以培养学生自主、合作、探究的学习精神,也难以提高学
摘 要:在新课改形式下,英语教学过程融入信息技术,渗透游戏趣味教学,有助于激发学生学习兴趣,培养学习主动性。小学英语教师应当根据小学生个性特点,加强教学引导,在游戏任务完成中,培养小学生对语言的应用能力以及实践能力,实现教学目标,促进学生英语能力的提升。另一方面,教师在对游戏的设计中,要遵循学习客观规律,任务符合学生成长特点、认知水平,促使学生在快乐中学习知识。游戏教学作为一种寓教于乐的教学形式,
早在古埃及时期,人们就开始涂抹指甲了;在我国唐朝也出现了染甲的风尚。到如今,美甲早已不仅仅限于涂染颜色了,什么法式、3D、雕花、水晶……款式可谓五花八门。某人气偶像就曾说过:如果没有涂好指甲出门,就像全身被人剥光了似的。这种说法未免过于夸张,但和自身打扮、气质相配的甲艺设计确实可以为女孩子的美丽加分哦。  只需几下你就能涂刷出真正时髦的美甲。  You can create a really 1)
W e have long thought that memory is the storehouse of our identity. We are our memory. But what about other people’s lives? How do we best remember somebody else? This question is never more importan
接招合唱团(Take That)是1990年创立的英格兰男子流行演唱组合,于1996年宣布解散,总共售出1900万张唱片。2005年又宣布重新组合复出。它被英国广播公司誉为“披头士”之后最受欢迎的英国乐队。作为老牌英伦摇滚乐团,Take That以三人团队形式在2014年11月发行第七张录音室专辑《III》。虽然Robbie Williams和Jason Orange已经离队,但乐团魅力丝毫未减。
Steve Inskeep (Host): That tragedy caused many people to think more about who makes their clothes and how they’re made. Many people are pushing for what’s called slow fashion. As NPR’s Elizabeth Blair
支票是在信用卡诞生之前就存在的一种支付方式。大多数美国人收到水电费账单的时候,一般在信封里夹一张支票寄回给电力和自来水公司。在没有信用卡、没有网上付费的时代,个人支票可以说是唯一方便的付款方式。然而个人支票在中国并不普及,那我们来看看在美国,个人支票在银行卡、个人电子支付盛行时代的兴衰存亡。  It may be strange to Chinese people, writing a check